
Coastal hazard management and risk reduction ,
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)


Over twenty two years international experience in Europe, Caribbean, South America and Pacific of coastal engineering, shoreline strategy management planning, assessing natural coastal processes and the impacts of human activities on the coastal zone. Expertise covers a broad range of technical disciplines with particular skills in the areas of hazard and climate risk assessment, coastal processes, coastal engineering and shoreline management, disaster risk reduction, climate change and adaptation, environmental assessment, and community participation. Over fifteen years’ experience in the Pacific region, having worked initially for the Government of Kosrae, in the Federated States of Micronesia, as Coastal Management Adviser. Since 2003 has led or been involved in a wide range of projects in American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Palau, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga and Tuvalu.

Qualifications and credentials
BEng Civil Engineering, 1987-1991, Completed, University of Aberdeen
MSc Water Engineering, 1991-1992, Completed, University of Strathclyde
MBA Environmental Management, 1999-2003, Completed, University of Southern Queensland
Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue, 2010, Completed, Pacific Leadership Foundation
Institution of Civil Engineers (UK), Member (MICE), 2000 - Present
Engineering Council (UK), Chartered Engineer (CEng), 2000 - Present
Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management (UK), Member (MCIWEM), 2001 - Present
Royal Geographical Society (UK), Fellow (FRGS), 2002 - Present
NZ Coastal Society, Deputy Chair, 2003 - Present
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
Economist (cost-benefit analysis of CC)
Civil engineering (hard and soft engineering solutions)
Capacity building specialist
GIS specialist
Disaster Relief/Management specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialist
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA), Manager, Pacific Rim, New Zealand, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, PNG, Team Leader & Risk specialist, Strengthening disaster & climate resilience in urban development in the Pacific, This ADB funded project aims to promote the use of available data, tools and information, including data developed under the Pacific Catastrophic Risk, FSM, Coastal management expert, Kosrae shoreline management plan development, Community consultation, assessment of shoreline change and coastal inundation risk, development of strategic adaptation and risk mitigation options an, Palau, FSM, Coastal hazard expert, Coastal Change in the Pacific Islands toolkit, Adviser for the development of a community toolkit being developed by Micronesia Conservation Trust / The Nature Conservancy and application of the to, Tokelau, Coastal adviser, Tokelau Ship to Shore Project, Coastal process and environmental impact adviser of option assessment and outline design of improved ship to shore passenger and cargo infrastructure , Tokelau, Project Director, Tokelau tsunami modelling assessment, Overall responsibility for a tsunami inundation hazard assessment for the three atolls of Tokelau to assist the development of emergency management pr, Fiji, Project Leader, Assessment of climate change impacts on the drainage infrastructure of Fiji., Strategic assessment of the effects of climate change on agricultural drainage in Fiji and development of adaptation options and tools to support the , Mangaia, Cook Islands, Coastal engineer, Geospatial framework for climate change adaptation in the coastal zone on Mangaia, Cook Islands, Assessment of cyclone and swell wave climate and extreme levels, and effect of climate change on these parameters for all the Cook Islands and develop, Tokelau, Climate change adviser, Tokelau Climate Change Strategy, Drafted the Tokelau climate change strategy for the Ongoing Government of Tokelau, Vanuatu, Coastal hazard expert, Risk Mapping and planning for urban preparedness, Assessment of coastal hazards for urban planning application in Port Vila, Luganville, and surrounding peri-urban areas., Pacific Regional, coastal expert, Coastal Erosion and inundation due to climate change in the Pacific and Timor Leste., Report Author of an assessment of the current state of knowledge of coastal erosion and inundation due to climate change in the Pacific and East Timor, Pacific Regional, Coastal expert, Anticipated climate change impact on the coastal protection role provided by coastal ecosystems in t, Report Author of an assessment of the current state of knowledge of coastal erosion and inundation due to climate change in the Pacific and East Timor, Kiribati, Coastal process expert, Increased flushing of Tarawa Lagoon, Kiribati. The potential for improving public and lagoon ecosyst, Assessment of the potential to improve flushing of Tarawa lagoon to improve Water-bourne related health outcomes in South Tarawa., Pacific regional, Team leader, Informing climate risk management in the Pacific region. Scoping assessment, Assessment of the potential for improving climate risk management in the Pacific region to inform development spending by NZ Ministry for Foreign affa, Kiribati, Team leader, Kiribati Adaptation Project Phase II. Climate information for risk management., Assessment of climate and coastal risk information to support risk based adaptation planning and development of tools to enable Kiribati Government to, Tokelau, Coastal hazard expert, Reducing the risks of cyclone storm surge on the atolls of Tokelau, Assessment of options to reduce cyclone-related inundation impacts on the three villages of Tokelau and development of village mitigation plan for eac, Tonga, Coastal hazard expert, Identifying natural hazards and the risks they pose to Tonga, Assessment of inundation and erosion hazard impacts in Tonga as part of the World Bank funded Cyclone emergency recovery and management project. Compo, American Samoa, Coastal hazard expert, Economic valuation of coral reefs and adjacent habitats in American Samoa, Assessment of the coastal protection function of the reef and associate coastal zone in American Samoa, Tuvalu, Team leader & Coastal process expert, Tuvalu Reef Channels Review, Review and environmental impact assessment of the Tuvalu reef channels project around all 8 outer islands in Tuvalu, assessment of future ship to shor, New Zealand, Team Leader, Coastal hazards and climate change. A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand, Lead author of NZ Ministry for Environment guidance manual on coastal hazards and climate change
HR Wallingford Ltd, Senior Coastal Engineer, United Kingdom
Development Review Commission / KIRMA, Coastal Management Adviser, Kosrae, FSM
HR Wallingford Ltd, Coastal Engineer, United Kingdom
High-Water Alerts from Coinciding High Astronomical Tide and High Mean Sea Level Anomaly in the Pacific Islands Region., Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31(12), 2829-2843.
Extreme cyclone wave climate in the Southwest Pacific Ocean: Influence of the El Niño Southern Oscillation and projected climate change, Global and Planetary Change, Volume 123, Part A, December 2014, Pages 13-26, ISSN 0921-8181, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.10.002.
Coastal Change in the Pacific Islands, Volume One: A Guide to Support Community Understanding of Coastal Erosion and Flooding Issues, Micronesia Conservation Trust / The Nature Conservancy
Coastal Erosion and inundation due to climate change in the Pacific and Timor Leste, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Canberra, http://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/d5ab25b9-5e53-425b-a974-015bc1182302/files/coastal-erosion.pdf
Anticipated climate change impact on the coastal protection role provided by coastal ecosystems in the Pacific and Timor Leste, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Canberra, http://www.environment.gov.au/climate-change/adaptation/publications/panticipated-impact-pacific-east-timor
Kosrae Shoreline Management Plan, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), http://kosraecoast.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Kosrae-SMP-Final.pdf
Predicted Impacts of Climate Change on New Zealand's Biodiversity, Pacific Conservation Biology, 17:3, pp. 179-191
Coastal hazards and climate change. A guidance manual for local government in New Zealand. 2nd edition., Ministry for Environment, http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/climate-change/coastal-hazards-and-climate-change-guidance-manual-local-government-ne-0
Defining coastal hazard zones for setback lines. A guide to good practice., Envirolink, http://www.envirolink.govt.nz/PageFiles/31/Defining%20coastal-hazard%20zones%20for%20setbacks%20lines.pdf
Decision support tools for climate-resilient coastal development: A case study from the Cook Islands, SPREP, http://www.sprep.org/attachments/Publications/CC/PACCTechRep12_lr.pdf
Tokelau Ship to Shore Project: Onshore Infrastructure Options and Environmental Impact Assessment, NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tokelau Climate Change Strategy, Ongoing Government of Tokelau
Priority options for improving drainage scheme performance. Pacific adaptation to climate change: Assessment of climate change impacts on the drainage, SPREP
Increased flushing of Tarawa Lagoon, Kiribati. The potential for improving public and lagoon ecosystem health outcomes, NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Informing climate risk management in the Pacific region. Scoping assessment, NZ Ministry for Environment
Cook Islands Coastal Calculator: User Manual. Geospatial framework for climate change adaptation in the coastal zone on Mangaia, Cook Islands, SPREP
Kiribati Adaptation Project Phase II. Climate information for risk management. Coastal calculator operational manual, Government of Kiribati, http://www.climate.gov.ki/resources/information-library/
Kiribati Adaptation Programme. Phase II: Information for Climate Risk Management. Sea levels, waves, run-up and overtopping., Government of Kiribati, http://www.climate.gov.ki/resources/information-library/
Reducing the risks of cyclone storm surge on the atolls of Tokelau: An overview of cyclone related coastal hazards. Fakaofo, Ongoing Government of Tokelau
Reducing the risks of cyclone storm surge on the atolls of Tokelau: An overview of cyclone related coastal hazards. Nukunonu, Ongoing Government of Tokelau
Reducing the risks of cyclone storm surge on the atolls of Tokelau: An overview of cyclone related coastal hazards. Atafu, Ongoing Government of Tokelau
Reducing the risks of cyclone storm surge on the atolls of Tokelau: An overview of cyclone related coastal hazards, Ongoing Government of Tokelau
Identifying natural hazards and the risks they pose to Tonga. Study Report 4: Geosource Tonga, world Bank
Economic valuation of coral reefs and adjacent habitats in American Samoa, Department of Commerce, Government of American Samoa
Tuvalu Reef Channels Review., NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs