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Consultant and researcher ,
Sims Climate Consulting


Ben Sims has 13 years of experience in more than ten countries across Asia and the Pacific. Ben is an expert in climate finance, public financial management, investment planning, climate risk assessments, adaptation planning (asset, community, sector and national levels), policy and institutional design and reforms, and the development of sectoral and national strategies and plans.

Ben has provided consultancy services for government agencies and international organisations, including SPREP, ADB, World Bank, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), UN Environment, UNDP, UNDRR, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and the Government of New Zealand. Recent consultancies are summarised in this profile - my full consultancy record is provided in my CV.

Ben’s recent work in the Pacific includes leading the development of the PNG National Climate Finance Strategy and PNG GCF Country Programme; completion of climate finance training for government agencies in Fiji, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands; design of the GCF no-objection procedure for RMI; and analysis on strengthening flood risk management institutions in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. He has also led an assessment on mainstreaming climate change into Cambodia’s PFM system and development of an investment plan to strengthen the country’s disaster risk management. Ben was previously a staff member at GGGI, where he worked on establishing the Institute’s country programs in Fiji, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea.

He holds a Master of Environmental Management and Development and Master of Diplomacy from the Australian National University, a Bachelor of Science from the University of Auckland, and is a Certified Expert in Climate Adaptation Finance from the Frankfurt School. Ben is currently studying a Master of Public Health at the University of Auckland part time, where he is researching the impacts of flooding on population health.

Qualifications and credentials
Master of Diplomacy, 2012, Completed, Australian National University (ANU)
Master of Environmental Management and Development, 2009-2011, Completed, Australian National University (ANU)
Bachelor of Biological Science, 2004-2006, Completed, University of Auckland
Certified Expert in Climate Adaptation Finance, 2021, Completed, Frankfurt School
Work experience
Papua New Guinea National Climate Finance Strategy, Global Green Growth Institute, Climate Finance Strategy Specialist, Papua New Guinea, (i) Desk review of climate strategies and processes, and identification of approaches to advance existing climate priorities; (ii) Engaging with gover
Addressing Climate Change Loss and Damage: Partner Design Support, MFAT / Tonkin + Taylor, Climate Financing Specialist, Pacific Regional, (i) Review/input into design of other projects/activities; (ii) Engaging with government stakeholders/development partners; (iii) Supporting design of
New Zealand Climate Change and Health Sector Scenarios, Public and private health entities, Health and Climate Change Expert, New Zealand, (i) Design of climate change scenario analysis methodology; (ii) Population health research, including health risks from climate hazards, and identifi
Supporting Cambodia’s National Committee for Disaster Management in Emergency Preparedness and Response Diagnostics / Investment Planning, World Bank, Investment Planning Specialist, Cambodia, (i) Developed legal and institutional assessment for diagnostic report, focusing on policies, practices, as well as remaining gaps; (ii) Identified op
Green and Innovative Finance Initiative for Scaling Up Southeast Asian Infrastructure, Asian Development Bank, Climate Change Public Policy Specialist, Cambodia, (i) Analysed existing climate change and environment protection policies and international commitments; (ii) Collated best international practices in
Review of the Sarakata flood mitigation guidelines and development of a flood management plan and early warning system, SPREP, Project Manager and Institutional Specialist, Vanuatu, (i) Assessing institutional framework, and recommendations on reforms; (ii) Development of MoU; (iii) Incorporation of international best practices on
Pacific National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Guidelines, SPREP, Climate Adaptation and Financing Expert, Pacific Regional, (i) Research on international best practices, including climate risk assessments, sectoral adaptation processes, and monitoring, evaluation and learni
Tonkin + Taylor, Senior Climate Change and Resilience Consultant and Project Manager, New Zealand
Tonga Parliament Buildings – Design Services Project & Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Specialist, Tonga, (i) Completion of multi-hazard climate change and disaster risk assessment for building. This included assessing risk from flooding, heavy rainfall, c
Pacific NAP Guidelines, SPREP, https://www.sprep.org/publications/pacific-national-adaptation-plan-nap-guidelines-guidelines-for-the-adaptation-planning-process-and-contents-of-naps-in-the-pacific
Analysis of DRR inclusion in national climate change commitments, UNDRR, https://www.undrr.org/publication/analysis-drr-inclusion-national-climate-change-commitments
An Assessment of Vulnerable Sectors and EO Data Potential in Fiji, Commonwealth Secretariat, https://www.thecommonwealth-ilibrary.org/index.php/comsec/catalog/book/983
An Assessment of Vulnerable Sectors and EO Data Potential in the Solomon Islands, Commonwealth Secretariat, https://www.thecommonwealth-ilibrary.org/index.php/comsec/catalog/book/984
An Assessment of Vulnerable Sectors and EO Data Potential in Vanuatu, Commonwealth Secretariat, https://www.thecommonwealth-ilibrary.org/index.php/comsec/catalog/book/985