Consulltant - Mainstreaming Specialist (CC/DRR) ,Summary
Key Achievements:
- Principal author of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Port of Darwin – a requirement of the Competition and Infrastructure Reform Agreement (CIRA) under the National Reform Agenda (NRA)- All findings and recommendations of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Port of Darwin were approved by Cabinet and have since been implemented. - Successfully advocated to other members on the Northern Territory Climate Change Steering Committee that local-level policies included in the Northern Territory Climate Change Policy Framework should be 'complementary' to the proposed national emissions trading scheme or carbon tax
Qualifications and credentials
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
M & E specialist
Economist (cost-benefit analysis of CC)
Community development specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
Capacity building specialist
SPREP, Consultant – Mainstreaming Specialist, CC & DRM, Pacific region, Pacific region, Consultant-Mainstreaming Specialist CCA/DRR, SPCR Mainstreaming CCA & DRR, - Situation Analysis of climate change and disaster risk mainstreaming in Kosrae (FSM) & Tuvalu
- Participatory workshops for all relevant stakehold, Pacific region, Resource Economist, Climate Change/Economics, - Provide Economic analysis and policy advice on climate change projects
- Undertake Capacity building workshops for PICs to use cost-benefit analysis
Northern Territory Treasury (Economic Policy & Frameworks Unit), Principal Research Officer Senior Research Officer, Northern Territory, Australia, Northern Territory, Australia, Principal/Senior Research Officer, Development of the Northern Territory Climate Change Policy Framework, - Steering Committee: Development of the Northern Territory Climate Change Policy Framework
- Co-ordination and analysis of economic modelling of th
NT Dept of Natural Resources, Environment, Arts & Sports, Senior Policy Officer (on secondment from NT Treasury, Darwin), Northern Territory, Aust, Northern Territory, Austt, Senior Policy Officer, National Emissions Trading Taskforce (NETT), - National Emissions Trading Taskforce (NETT) caps & modelling and auction design working groups
- Input to, and analysis of, economic modelling of a
NT Treasury, Darwin, Research Officer, Economic Policy, Northern Territory, Aust, Northern Territory, Aust, Research Officer, Economic Policy, Development of NWI, - Analysis and development of: NWI pricing, trading, and urban water market reforms; NT climate change reforms; Electricity pricing reforms; Cabinet s