
Independent Consultant ,
Climate Concern


Charlotte is a highly accomplished, skilled and talented development professional with over a decade of experience in international development in 20 countries worldwide. She has a proven track record of providing strategic and programming direction to organisations to develop, implement and monitor policies, strategies, campaigns and programs to build gender-sensitive community resilience. She is an excellent educator and communicator of development theory and practice to a variety of stakeholders including government officials, non-governmental staff and partners, communities, academics, and other groups. She is co-author of Toward Resilience (Practical Action, 2013), a practitioner’s guide to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation programming and advocacy, which integrates gender throughout; and has developed a range of participatory risk assessment tools and guidance for working with poverty-affected and vulnerable communities.


Qualifications and credentials
Master of Environment, 2007-2011, Completed, University of Melbourne
Graduate Diploma of Education, 2001, Completed, La Trobe University
Bachelor of Arts (Spanish and Latin American Studies), 1994-1996, Completed, La Trobe University
Wilderness First Aid, 2008, Completed, Wilderness First Aid Institute
Climate Action Network, Member, 2007- present
Spanish, Good, Good, Excellent, Good
Work experience
Gender mainstreaming
M & E specialist
Climate financing specialist
Knowledge management specialist
Community development specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
Community trainer specialist
Capacity building specialist
Climate Concern, Principal Consultant, Melbourne, Australia, Australia, Vietnam, Principal Consultant, Program Evaluation; Program Research, - Lead evaluator for two community based climate change adaptation program evaluations in Vietnam. Save the Children, Plan and the Red Cross, April to, Australia, Principal Consultant, Development of training; Revision of strategic plan, - Lead on the development of training modules for integrated disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation training, and the revision of commu, Australia, Principal Consultant, DRR and CCA integration, - Co-lead on the development of recommendations on the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation within long term developme, Australia, Indonesia, Principal Consultant, Book author; Minimum standards for climate smart DRR; Program evaluation, - Co-author of a practitioner’s guide to disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in at-risk communities. Emergency Capacity Building Pro, Australia, Cambodia, Principal Consultant, Review of participatory risk assessment methdologies; Technical assistance, - Lead on the review of community based participatory risk assessment methodologies. Oxfam GB, November to December 2011 - Provision of technical assi
Plan Australia, Climate and Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Melbourne, Australia, Australia, East Africa, South East Asia, Pacific, Climate and Disaster Risk Management Specialist, - Program Manager for DRR and CCA programs in Africa, Asia and the Pacific - Capacity development of staff on climate change and disasters - Program d
Oxfam GB, Head of Adaptation and Risk Reduction Team, Oxford, U.K., Oxford, U.K., Head of Adaptation and Risk Reduction Team, - Lead and facilitated the development of coherent programme policy and supported programming on adaptation and risk reduction. - Delivered on the int
Oxfam GB, Climate Change Adaptation Global Advisor, Oxford, U.K., U.K., Middle East, South America, East Africa, Southern Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Climate Change Adaptation Global Advisor, - Oxfam International lead on southern country campaigning on national adaptation (including gender) - Oxfam GB lead on climate change adaptation prog
Oxfam Australia, Climate Change Policy Advisor, Australia, Australia, Climate Change Policy Advisor, - Oxfam Australia’s lead on climate change policy development. - Make Poverty History Climate Change Campaign lead. - Oxfam International Policy Advis
Oxfam Australia, Southern Africa Senior Program Officer, Australia, South Africa, Australia, South Africa, Southern Africa Senior Program Officer, - Lead in the maintenance of financial management systems and acquittals for Australian Government funded programs. Total funding $3.5m+. - Submission
Toward Resilience: A Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, CRS and Practical Action, http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ECB-toward-resilience-Disaster-risk-reduction-Climate-Change-Adaptation-guide-english.pdf
Extending Impact: Factors Influencing Households to Adopt Disaster Resistant Construction Practices in Post Disaster Settings, CRS, http://www.crsprogramquality.org/publications/2015/4/16/extending-impact-factors-influencing-households-to-adopt-dis.html
Working Together to Build Resilience: Tools and Lessons from Vanuatu., Coastal Management Journal, In Press
Developing local capacity and effective partnerships: Learning from community-based adaptation in Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Vanuatu and Vietnam, Care International, In Press
A Review of climate change adaptation programming in South Asia, Oxfam GB, http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/rr-climate-change-adaptation-south-asia-161111-en.pdf
Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation: A Learning Companion, Oxfam GB, http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/introduction-to-climate-change-adaptation-a-learning-companion-202465
‘More than just money: Remembering equity and justice in international adaptation policy.' In Climate Change and Social Justice, University of Melbourne, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=992218073027778;res=IELHSS
See the bigger picture: Act on climate change, Make Poverty History, http://www.tear.org.au/static/files/resources/mph_climate_change_report_2008.pdf
Adaptation financing: Why the UN climate change conference at Bali must mandate the search for new funds, Oxfam International, http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/financing-adaptation-why-the-uns-bali-climate-conference-must-mandate-the-searc-114509
Sterrett, C. L. (2007) Climate Change and Development. Oxfam Australia’s Public Policy Position, Oxfam Australia, https://oaus.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/OAus-PositionPolicies-0312.pdf
Where has all the water gone? Climate change and food security in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Oxfam Australia, http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/where-has-all-the-water-gone-understanding-climate-change-from-a-community-pers-112392