2009 – 2013: PhD, UWA, School of Environmental Systems Engineering (SESE). Hydrodynamics and Sand Transport on Perched Beaches in Western Australia.
• Analysis of the variability and longer term changes of the wave climate in the southern Indian Ocean.
• Assessment of the dissipation of extreme wave events on the continental shelf.
• Development of a GPU based morphodynamics model (XBeach_GPU)
• Assessment of the role of the variability in rock topography on the dynamics of perched beaches.
• Modelling the sand transport on a submerged seawall using SPH hydrodynamics.
2004 - 2006: MSc (Integrated Approach to Geological Hazards), University of Sciences and Technology, Montpellier (France) – Grade A-.
• Development of methodology to map inundation from storm surge.
• Mapping tsunami hazards for 8 locations in the Mentawai archipelago using numerical models.
2003 - 2004: License’s Degree, Earth Sciences, University of Sciences and Technology, Montpellier (France).
2001 - 2003: D