
Coastal Oceanographer ,
Secretariat of the Pacific Community


2009 – 2013: PhD, UWA, School of Environmental Systems Engineering (SESE). Hydrodynamics and Sand Transport on Perched Beaches in Western Australia.
• Analysis of the variability and longer term changes of the wave climate in the southern Indian Ocean.
• Assessment of the dissipation of extreme wave events on the continental shelf.
• Development of a GPU based morphodynamics model (XBeach_GPU)
• Assessment of the role of the variability in rock topography on the dynamics of perched beaches.
• Modelling the sand transport on a submerged seawall using SPH hydrodynamics.
2004 - 2006: MSc (Integrated Approach to Geological Hazards), University of Sciences and Technology, Montpellier (France) – Grade A-.
• Development of methodology to map inundation from storm surge.
• Mapping tsunami hazards for 8 locations in the Mentawai archipelago using numerical models.
2003 - 2004: License’s Degree, Earth Sciences, University of Sciences and Technology, Montpellier (France).
2001 - 2003: D

Qualifications and credentials
PhD - Coastal Oceanography - Hydrodynamics and sand transport on perched beaches, 2009-2013, Completed, University of Western Australia
MSC - Geo-hazards, 2004-2006, Completed, University of Montpellier II
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
French, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
Coastal Oceanography, coastal inundation and erosion
ASR Ltd, Coastal Scientist/Modeller, Raglan (New Zealand)
University of Western Australia, Research Associate, Coastal Oceanography, Perth (Australia)
JFA, Oceanography modelling consultant (casual/part time), Perth (Australia)
University of Western Australia, Research Officer, Coastal Oceanography, Perth (Australia)
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Coastal Oceanographer, Suva (Fiji)
Waves and coasts in the Pacific, ACP countries, Researcher, Project manager, Regional Project, 180 wave climate reports Cost of Wave energy report 4 Publications Pacific Wave Atlas website with special focus on Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Island
Physical properties of seagrass wrack that affect its offshore transport, deposition and retention on the beach, Marine Ecology Progress Series
Longshore variation in rock topography enhances sand flux on a perched beach in Western Australia
Inter-annual variability and longer-term changes in the wave climate of Western Australia between 1970 and 2009, Ocean Dynamics
Present and future prolonged drought impacts on a large temperate embayment: Port Phillip Bay, Australia, Ocean Dynamics
The influence of coastal limestone landforms on storm erosion and recovery of a perched beach, Marine Geology
Simulation of perched beach accretion using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Coast and Port 2011 conference Proceeding
The impact of temperate reefs on 34 years of shoreline and vegetation line stability at Yanchep, southwestern Australia and implications for coastal s, Marine Geology
Challenges in transferring knowledge between scales in coastal sediment dynamics, Frontiers
Wave inundation on the Coral Coast of Fiji, Coasts and Ports Conference Proceedings 2015