
Climate change and Environment Consultant ,
C4 EcoSolutions


I have considerable experience in designing and implementing climate change and development projects for inter alia UNDP, UNEP, IFAD and FAO in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific region. My areas of expertise include: i) ecosystem-based adaptation; ii) disaster risk management; iii) REDD+; iv) carbon sequestration; v) community development; and vi) global support programmes for capacity building. I have led teams of international consultants in designing innovative projects for building climate resilience in developing countries. My involvement in project implementation has provided valuable insights that I apply in the design of new projects tailored to local environmental and socio-economic conditions, taking into account lessons learned from previous experiences in project design and implementation. My day-to-day duties are designing, implementing and M&E of climate change and development projects in the public and private sectors.

Qualifications and credentials
MSc Conservation Ecology, 2006-2010, Completed, Stellenbosch University
BSc Conservation Ecology, 2002-2005, Completed, Stellenbosch University
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, September 2010, Completed, European Union Network of Excellence
Designing Forests to Provide Multiple Services, October 2008, Completed, Stellenbosch University
Participatory GIS and Advanced Facilitation, March 2008, Completed, BIOTA / Indigo
Promoting Conservation by Influencing Policy, March 2008, Completed, BIOTA / Indigo
Remote Sensing Analysis and GIS, June 2008, Completed, Scholar Ship Research Institute / World Association of Young Scientists
Resource Conservation and Rural Development, July 2006, Completed, University of the Witwatersrand
Knowledge Sharing with Resource Custodians, June 2006, Completed, GMF / Indigo / DMP
Invasion Biology: Birds as Keys to Biodiversity Conservation, January 2006, Completed, Department of Science and Technology / National Research Foundation Centres of Excellence Biodiversity Conservation Academy
Integrated Urban Catchment Management, June 2001, Completed, City of Cape Town / Peninsula Technikon / University of the Western Cape
N/A, N/A, N/A
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Afrikaans, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
French, Good, Average, Average, Average
German, Good, Average, Average, Average
Work experience
M & E specialist
Community development specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
Disaster Relief/Management specialist
C4 EcoSolutions, Senior Consultant: Climate Change and Environment, South Africa
Department Of Biodiversity & Conservation, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Contract Lecturer, South Africa
Stellenbosh University, Academic Writing Consultant, South Africa
Stellenbosch University, Contract Lecturer, South Africa
Economy-wide integration of Climate Change Adaptation and DRM/DRR to reduce climate vulnerability, UNDP, Lead Project Developer, Samoa, A UNDP Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request for this full-sized GEF LDCF project (total funding: $12 million). The project will establish an e
Strengthening community resilience to climate-induced natural disasters in the DARDC, UNDP, Lead Project Developer, Timor-Leste, A UNDP Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request for this full-sized GEF LDCF project (total funding: $5 million). The project will revise policies
Building climate resilience through innovative financing mechanisms for climate change adaptation, UNEP, Lead Project Developer, Antigua and Barbuda, A UNEP Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request for this full-sized GEF LDCF project (total funding: $5 million). The project focuses on innovativ
Assisting non-LDC developing countries with country-driven processes to advance NAPs, UNEP / UNDP, Lead Project Developer, Global, UNDP Project Document, UNEP Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request for this full-sized GEF SCCF project (total funding: $4.5 million). This proj
Assisting LDCs with country-driven processes to advance National Adaptation Plans, UNEP / UNDP, Lead Project Developer, Global, UNEP Project Document, UNDP Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request for this medium-sized GEF LDCF project (total funding: $2 million). The proje
Improvement of EWS and capacity building to integrate climate change into development plans, Government of Lesotho, Chief Technical Advisor, Lesotho, Technical oversight and specialist input into the implementation of this medium-sized GEF LDCF project (total funding: $1.7 million). The project is d
Niger Delta Climate Resilience Initiative, Carbon Plus Capital, Forest Carbon Advisor, Nigeria, A Pre-feasibility Assessment and a Project Identification Note for a REDD+ project in the Niger Delta. The project will focus on directing private sec
Ghana Rural Growth Programme, IFAD, Agro-Ecologist/Climate Change Specialist, Ghana, A Working Paper, Annex to the Programme Design Report and costed interventions for climate change adaptation under the Adaptation for Smallholder Agri
Enhanced Management and Enforcement of Ethiopia's Protected Areas Estate, UNDP, Lead Project Developer, Ethiopia, A Project Identification Form for this GEF Trust Fund full-sized project (total funding: $7.3 million). The project will: i) improve protected area ma
Climate Change Resource Mobilization for GEF-6, FAO, Lead Project Developer, Afghanistan, Three Project Identification Forms for full-sized GEF Trust Fund and SCCF projects on climate change adaptation, sustainable land management, biodiver
The impact of native large herbivores and fire on the vegetation dynamics in the Cape renosterveld shrublands of South Africa: insights from a six-yr , Applied Vegetation Science, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/avsc.12086/abstract
Responses of succulent Karoo rangeland vegetation to rest from grazing (in: Frontiers of Vegetation Science – An evolutionary angle), Keith Phillips Images, http://stbweb02.stb.sun.ac.za/iavs2008/docs/IAVS2008Abstracts.pdf