
consultant ,


2009 present UNEP Task Manager for Global Environment Facility funded projects throughout the Pacific region - all focal areas including CCM but focussing on biodiversity. Regional Focal Point and Head of Agency for UNEP hence worked at all levels. Post Disaster Needs Assessment experience in four disasters. Some experience in DRR. Extensive experience in project design and implementation, M and E and all forms of reporting including non-UN allied agencies. Chaired Technical Advisory Groups for UN and non-UN projects. Principal scientist for New Zealand Dept Conservation for three of the past 10 years (all discipline areas).

Qualifications and credentials
Post Disaster Needs Assessment, June 2014, Completed, UNDP
Gender in employment, 2015, Completed, UNEP
Doctor of Philosophy, 1980 to 1985, Completed, University of Canterbury
IUCN SSG, Technical expert, 20 years to present
english, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
french, Average, Average, Average, Average
Work experience
Gender mainstreaming
M & E specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
Capacity building specialist
United Nations Environment Programme, Task Manager and regional focal point, Apia, Samoa
New Zealand Department of Conservation, Principal Scientist, Wellington
supervised many consultants, UNEP, supervisor, Apia Samoa (whole of Pacific), reports - e.g. mid term reviews and terminal evaluations
between 55 and 65 publications - list available on request