US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Certification
State of Michigan Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Certification
Storm Water Management Program Certification
Advanced Topics in Geographic Information System (GIS) Certification
Countries of Work Experience: USA, Republic of Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands
Principal - Roles and Experience:
2013-2014: RMI, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 8306 RMI - Ebeye Water and Sanitation Project
2011-2012: Palau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 42439-01 PAL - Palau Sanitation Sector Development Project
2010-2011: Palau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 7394-REG - Strengthening the Capacity of DMCs to Respond to Climate Change
2008-2009: Paulau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No.4977-PAL - Babeldaob Water Supply Project
2001-2007: Palau, Environmental Manager, Palau Compact Road, National Highway Project, US Army Corps of Engineers