
Senior Lecturer ,
The University of Auckland


My area of expertise is in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering specializing in;
• water resources engineering and integrated management,
• civil and environmental engineering design of infrastructures,
• environmental risk assessment and minimization, climate change analysis,
• urban hydrology, water demand forecasting and allocation framework,
• hydrological, hydraulic and watershed modelling,
• system dynamic and model development.
Qualifications: Ph.D (Env Eng). University of Melbourne (UoM), Australia, ME. The University of Auckland, BE. Unitec Institute of Tech
Employment History:

HARC, Melbourne
Senior Water Resources Engineer – Candor3 Ltd, NZ, 2014 – Present.
Quest Lecturer – Unitec Institute of Technology, NZ, 2014 – Present.
Research Fellow: UoM, Australia, 2014.
Fellow/Lecturer: BYU, USA, 2012 – 2013.
Water Resources Engineer: Division of Water Resources, Utah, USA, 2013 – 2014.
Tutor: UoM, 2008 - 2010.
Env Engineer: Wood & Partners Consultants Ltd, 2007.

Qualifications and credentials
Ph.D. (Environmental engineering, 2008 - 2012, Completed, University of Melbourne
Master of Engineering (Hons) (Env Eng), 2006 - 2007, Completed, University of Auckland
Bachelor of Engineering (Env Eng), 2002 - 2005, Completed, Unitec Institute of Technology
NZCE (Computer Electronic), 1994 - 1996, Completed, Auckland University of Technology
IPENZ, Member, 2004 - Present
ASCE, Member, 2013 - 2015
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Tongan, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Samoan, Average, Average, Average, Average
Work experience
Climate financing specialist
Legal specialist (climate change/environmental law/MEAs)
Database/Network specialist
Economist (cost-benefit analysis of CC)
Civil engineering (hard and soft engineering solutions)
Community development specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
GIS specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialist
Water Technology Ltd, Senior Water Resources Engineer, Melbourne, Australia, Auckland Region, Water Engineer, Whitford Development, Large land development project that requires conjunctive approach to integrate groundwater and surface water systems to meet the water demand. Onsite , Hobsonville, Auckland, Water Engineer, 15 Scott Road Land Development, Large scale land development that requires of designing a pump station to gather for wastewater from 700 lots. I am the chief design engineer for thes, Auckland, Senior Water Resources Engineer, A number of engineering projects, • Civil and environmental engineering design of infrastructures such as roads, pump stations (wastewater and water supply), complex water supply syste, Queensland Australia, Senior Engineer, Bruce Highway - Source Model, Model the flow for the entire length of Bruce Highway, Senior Lecturer, Research activities in the Pacific region in Water resources management, Hydrology, flood modelling, environmental impact assessment, State of Environ
Unitec Institute of Technology, Quest Lecturer, Auckland New Zealand, Auckland, Lecturer, Sustainable Engineering Design, Teaching: • Sustainable design in stormwater management. • Water recycling, reuse and harvesting. • Supervising two students in their final year desi
Journal Reviewer - Journal of Hydrology and Journal of Water Resources Management, Reviewer, Australia
University of Melbourne, Research Fellow, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Australia, Research Fellow, 3 projects, - Water resources modelling (REALM and WEAP). - Impacts of Climate Change and Watershed Development on Whole-of-Basin Agricultural Water Security in
Brigham Young University, Fellow/Lecturer, Provo, Utah, USA, CIWater Project, Research Fellow, CIWater, - Lecture CEEN270 Computational Methods in Civil Engineering http://ce270.groups.et.byu.net/syllabus/. - A member of the International Research
Utah Division of Water Resources (State Government of Utah), Water Resources Engineer, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Utah, Water Resources Engineer, ET Estimation and Water Resources Modelling, - Consult the division on their water resources engineering and management modellings. - Review their water budget programs and provide input on
University of Melbourne, Tutor, Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Australia, Tutor, Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulic, - Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulic for 3rd year students. - Assessment of Master Students’ Presentations. - Mentoring of Master St
Wood and Partner Consultancy Ltd, Civil/Env Engineer, Auckland, Auckland New Zealand, Stormwater Engineer, Stonefield, Convert a quarry to an urban town. http://www.stonefields.co.nz/Masterplan.aspx - Engineering design and modelling of infrastructures such as roads,
Davies Ogilvie Ltd, Civil Engineer, Auckland New Zealand, Auckland, Civil Engineer, Variety of different land development projects, - Engineering design of infrastructures such as roads, stormwater, drainage, water network supply systems, project management and engineering supervis
Cato Bolam Consultants Ltd, Civil Engineer, Auckland NZ, Auckland, Civil Engineer, Variety of Different Projects, Involved these kind of works: - Engineering design of infrastructures; roads, stormwater and drainage systems, engineering supervision of constructio
Fraser Thomas Engineering Ltd, Civil Engineer for a variety of different engineering projects, Auckland NZ
Variety of Projects, Different Clients, Engineer, NZ, Australia and USA, I've worked during the above periods on different projects as a consultants through different companies, government departments and universities. My
A Conjunctive Water Allocation Framework for Connected Hydrological Systems., Journal of Water Resources Management, in press
A Review of Open Source Software Solutions for Developing Water Resources Applications in the Cloud., Environmental Modelling & Software, http://www.researchgate.net/publication/272199160_A_review_of_open_source_software_solutions_for_developing_water_resources_web_applications
Estimation of the environmental risk of regulated river flow, Journal of Hydrology, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169414003874
Essential GIS Technologies for Hydrologic Simulation Applications in Cloud Computing, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress., http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/9780784412947.273
A Geospatial Relational Data Model for Ingesting GSSHA Computational Models: A Step Toward Two-Dimensional Hydrologic Modelling in the Cloud., World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/9780784412947.269
A Software Stack for Water Resources GIS Web Apps, Utah State University
A conjunctive water allocation framework for a surface-groundwater connected system, University of Melbourne, https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/handle/11343/37779
New Approach for Estimating the Environmental Risk of a River Basin, Informit, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=350127458336722;res=IELENG
Groundwater Risk Estimation of a River Basin, Informit, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=345953672774886;res=IELENG
Short-term Water Demand Forecasting for the Auckland Region, Informit, http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=350146091307981;res=IELENG
Water Demand Forecasting for the Auckland Region, University of Auckland, https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Water_Demand_Forecasting_for_the_Aucklan.html?id=8ICjygAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
Design of Sewerage Reticulation System Upgrades in the Awaruku Catchment of North Shore City Council, WorldCat, http://www.worldcat.org/title/design-of-sewerage-reticulation-system-upgrades-in-the-awaruku-catchment-of-north-shore-city-council/oclc/777292083
Pilot Investigation of Microbiological Water Quality in Blackpool and Little Oneroa, WorldCat, http://www.worldcat.org/title/pilot-investigation-of-microbiological-water-quality-in-blackpool-and-little-oneroa-waiheke-island/oclc/777315783