
environmemntal & enegy policy & planning ,
Environmental & Energy Consultants, Ltd (Fiji)


Over 30 years of experience (largely at Director, Team Leader, Lead Consultant or Chief Technical Adviser level) in the Pacific islands, the Mekong subregion of SE Asia and elswhere working in energy policy and planning (including renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security) and broader environmental policy/planning. Clients have included the Asian Development Bank, Australian Aid, East-West Center, European Commission (EC), Climate Parliament, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Global Environment Facility, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Greenpeace Pacific, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN Oceania), River Commission (MRC), Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), New Zealand Aid, Pacific Power Association, Regional Community Forestry Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC, Bangkok), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC and earlier SOPAC), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), Swiss Agency For Development and Cooperation (SDC), various UN agencies (UNDP, UNFPA, UNIDO, UNOPS, UNESCAP), and the World Bank. Recent work related to climate resilience has been in the energy sector and includes the following:Pacific Small Islands States Scoping Study and Project formulation (senior consultant, Global Green Growth Institute, 2013-2014) Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific, phase 2 (International energy efficiency expert), International Institute of Energy Conservation and Asian Development Bank; January 2012 - early 2015)o Evaluation of EU/SPC North Pacific Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Project (North REP; team leader, Cardno, 2012)o Report on Pacific Perspectives on the Challenges to Energy Security and the Sustainable Use of Energy (consultant, UN ESCAP, 2012)o Improving climate change resilience for energy sector investments (lead researcher for peer-reviewed report, ADB, 2011-2012)

Qualifications and credentials
Bachelor of Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, Completed, Ohio State University, USA
MSc in Science and Technology Policy, Completed, University of Sussex
MSc (distinction) in Environmental Management, Completed, University of London
Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI), Member
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
M & E specialist
Civil engineering (hard and soft engineering solutions)
Proposal writing/Report writing
energy sector reslience to climate change
UN Office for Project Support (UNOPS), Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) Environmental Technical Advisory Programme (ETAP), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Environmemntal & Energy Consultants Ltd, Director, Suva, Fiji
self employed consultant: energy & environment, Suva, Fiji
UN Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific, Chief Technical Adviser (CTA), Pacific Energy Development Programme, Bangkok & Suva
Government of Fiji, various including Chief Planning Officer (Central Planning Office); Director of Energy, Suva, Fiji, throughout PICs & SE Asia, CTA, Director, lead consultant, many projects; happy to provide details but not in this user-unfriendly & time-consuming format, I am happy to provide details of any assignment but this format is too user unfriendly & time-consuming
I am happy to provide details of numerous consultancies separately i.e. in UNDP, EU or ADB format