
Climate Change/ Ecological Consultant ,
Self Employed


25 years experience in environmental management with a particular emphasis on climate change, biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. I have spent more than ten years working on climate change adaptation programs and for most of the last decade I was the Manager Climate Change Science for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Australia. In early 2013 I decided to look at opportunities outside of Australia. Over the last two years I have worked as the Climate Change Expert for the update of the Seychelles National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), lead consultant for two projects on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Key National Natural Resource Management Policies in Swaziland, International Adviser Jamaica 2nd NBSAP, Ecosystem Ecologist for SPREP EbA project on Choiseul Province -Solomon Islands and the consultant to synthesise the Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative Research Program and an Honorary Research Fellow at Macquarie University

Qualifications and credentials
Doctorate, 2002 -2007, Completed, Macquarie University
Graduate Diploma Natural Resources, 1986-1987, Completed, University of New England
Bachelor of Building, 1978-1982, Completed, University of New South Wales
Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand, Member, 2015 current
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, Regional Chair Oceania, 2013-2015
english, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
Proposal writing/Report writing
Capacity building specialist
Environmental Management; Ecology: Research: Research Management:
Self Employed Consultant, Independent Consultant, Sydney, Australia, Seychelles, International Expert Climate Change, Revision of the 2nd Seychelles National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), opportunities) become integrated into Seychelles’ NBSAP. The key concerned activity is: “Incorporating climate change issues into NBSAPs” under the co, Mbabane, Swaziland, Lead International Consultant, National Policy Dialogues to Strengthen National Coordination for Climate Change Adaptation, Lead Consultant for National Policy Dialogues to Strengthen National Coordination for Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector project” for the G, Swaziland, Lead International Consultant, Mainstreaming Climate Risks into Key National Policies for the Government of Swaziland, Lead consultant for the GEF/UNDP funded project on Mainstreaming Climate Risks into Key National Policies for the Government of Swaziland. This proje, Jamaica, International Adviser, Revision of the 2nd National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Jamaica, Choiseul Province - Solomon Islands, Ecosystem Ecologist, SPREP-USAID Choiseul Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Project., Ecosystem Ecologist for the SPREP-USAID Choiseul Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Project. SPREP as partner to CHICCHAP is implementing a USAID funded, Swaziland, Project Technical Adviser to the Government of Swaziland, Strengthening the Protected Areas System of Swaziland project sponsored by the UNDP, Project Technical Adviser to the Government of Swaziland for the Strengthening the Protected Areas System of Swaziland project sponsored by the UNDP, Sydney, Australia, Principal Consultant, Synthesis for NRM of the Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative ECL project, Consultant for Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative Synthesis for Natural Resource Management Stakeholders Report
Macquarie University, Honorary Research Fellow and Part time Lecturer, Sydney Australia, Sydney, Honorary Research Fellow, Honorary Research Fellow with the School of Biological Sciences at Macquarie University on biodiversity related climate change impact and adaptation r
International Union for The Conservation of Nature, Regional Chair Oceania Commission for Ecosystem Management, Global - Oceania Focus, Cook Islands, Honorary adviser, IUCN CEM study tour Island of Mangaia - Forestry and Catchment Management, I was also part of the IUCN Commission for Ecosystem Management study tour to the Island of Mangaia in the Cook Islands working with local community l, Solomon Islands, Co Director (Voluntary), FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR SUPPORTING COMMUNITY LAND MANAGEMENT IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, Supporting community land management in Solomon Islands This is a pilot project sponsored bu IUCN CEM to investigate an approach for increasing commu
NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Manager Climate Change Science, Sydney Australia, New South Wales, Project Director, Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative, This is a research collaborative including at least 4 major universities research and policy staff from three State agencies and the National Bureau o, New South Wales Australia, Lead Scientific Management and Co Director, NSW and AcT Regional Climate Modelling Project, Established and managed the NARCliM project (NSW and ACT Regional Climate Model) this is a collaborative project with the University of NSW and multip, New South wales, Manager, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Framework for NSW, Developed the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Framework for NSW in conjunction with the Impacts and adaptation policy group of DECCW. T
NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, Principal Terrestrial Ecologist, Sydney, Australia, Solomon Islands, Co Director (Voluntary), FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR SUPPORTING COMMUNITY LAND MANAGEMENT IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, Supporting community land management in Solomon Islands This is a pilot project sponsored bu IUCN CEM to investigate an approach for increasing commu
Multiple Projects see Previous Employment Record for details, UNDP, SPREP, Government of Swaziland, NSW Government, Government of Jamaica
I have more than 40 peer reviewed technical and scientific publications. These can be supplied on request