
Manager - Engineer ,
Tonga Water Board


Employment Record:
To (year) Employer Positions held
2015 Tonga Water Board Manager - Engineering
2013 Tonga Water Board Planning Engineer
2009 Tonga Rugby Football Union / Ministry of Environment & Climate Change National Head Coach / Local Consultant
2007 Tonga Water Board Acting Chief Engineer/Planning Engineer
2002 Tonga Water Board Planning Engineer
2000 Full time student, Civil & Environmental Engineering Senior Technical Officer
1998 Tonga Water Board Senior Technical Officer
Full Time Student (Diploma Water Supply Engineering, UK Student (Loughborough Uni)
1987 Tonga Water Board Technical Assistant (Works)
Consultancy Experience
2015 National Consultant (Water Resource & Supply) Tonga Nation Communication 1&2 and 3
2015 National Consultant (Tonga PACC) Hihifo Water Supply Design
National Consultant (Tonga PACC) Project Engineer & Supervision
National Consultant (Tonga PACC) PACC Hihifo Project Guideline
National Consultant (Government of Tonga) AusAid Funded Village Wate

Qualifications and credentials
Higher National Diploma (Water Engineering), 1988, Completed, Lougborough University of Technology
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1999 - 2000, Completed, Canberra Institude of Technology
Certificate in Water management, Aug 2 to December 1995, Completed, Dresden University of Technology.
none, none, none
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Tongan, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Work experience
Civil engineering (hard and soft engineering solutions)
Proposal writing/Report writing
Tonga Water Board, Planning Engineer, Tonga
Tonga Rugby Union, Coaching Director, Nuku'alofa
Tonga Water Board, Manager Engineer, Nuku'alofa
Tonga National Communication 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Ministryof Environment, Water resource and supply consultant, Nuku'alofa, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment of Water resource and supply in Tonga
Tonga PACC Project, Misitry of Environment, Consultant, Tonga, Approval and submission of Final Water Resource and supply design document
Tonga PACC, SPREP, Consultant (Project Engineer and Supervision), Tonga, Construction and supervision of Hihifo Village water project
Tonga Pacc, Ministry of Envronment, Consultant, Tonga, Develop and write climate change water resource and supply guideline for the Hihifo Village Water project
Tonga Pacc, Ministry of Envronment, Consultant, Tonga, Develop and write climate change water resource and supply guideline for the Hihifo Village Water project
Niuatoputapu Village Water Resource and Supply design, Government of Tonga and World Bank, Consultant, Tonga, Submission and approval of final design and estimates
Tonga Community Disaster Risk management, Tonga National Council of Churches, Consultant, Tonga, Prepare Training Manual, Water project Design, Project Supervision and advise
Initial Tonga National Communication (Contributor), Ministry of Environment, http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/tonnc1.pdf
Tonga 2nd National Communication report (Contributor), Ministry of Environment, http://www.unfccc.int/national_reports/non-annex_i_natcom/items/2979
PACC Technical Report No. 7 – Design for improved water supply and water management in Hihifo district, Tonga, SRREP, http://[email protected]
PACC Technical Report No. 16 - PACC Demonstration Guide: Improving resilience of the water supply for Hihifo District, Tonga, SPREP
Integrated Catchment Management in ‘Eua, Kingdom of Tonga, SOPAC, https://pacificwater.org/userfiles/file/Case%20Study%20C%20THEME%201Tonga...