
Programme Development Expert ,
UNDP, Environment, Climate Change and Crisis Prevention


1. Formulation, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and mitigation programmes
- Coordination of inception phases for Global Environment Facility & Adaptation Fund- Formulate and design logical framework; - Design specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time-bound (SMART) Indicators; - M & E frameworks - Management and institutional arrangements - Multi-year and annual work plans - Management of co-financing issues - Response to Global Environment Facility comments on submitted project documents
- Administrative Support - Definition of TOR’s, procurement, recruitment and contract management - Management reports consultation on ATLAS (UNDP project management system) - Budget allocation and budget revision - Monitoring and evaluation support - Strategic programming - Ensure consistence of projects outcomes and objectives with UN Development Assistance Framework regional priorities and outcomes - Technical review of relevant documents to match Global Environment Facility - Knowledge management and communication - Client focused relationship
2. Support the management of Global Environment Facility and Adaptation Fund projects Familiarization with project cycle, allocation mechanisms, processes and reporting procedures
3. Assist World Bank Team in elaboration of Post-Disaster Need Assistance document in response to Cyclone Evan (Samoa, 2012)

Qualifications and credentials
English, Excellent, Average, Average
Italian, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
French, Average, Average, Average
Portugese, Average, Average, Average
Spanish, Good, Good, Good
Work experience
M & E specialist
Knowledge management specialist
Community development specialist
Proposal writing/Report writing
Community trainer specialist
Capacity building specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialist
UNDP Environment, Climate Change and Crisis Prevention & Recovery Unit, Programme Development Expert, Apia, Samoa
Aneli Mancati, Teacher, Florence, Italy, Florence, Teacher, Teaching Italian for Immigrants, Italian teacher for immigrants of non-profit organization “Aneli Mancanti”
Escola Familia Agricola of Antonio, Intern, Bahia, Brazil, Bahia, Brazil, Intern/Volunteer, Internship with Escola Familia Agricola of Antonio Goncalves with Fondazione Marcello Candia – Non Profit Organisation of Milan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Volunteer, Social Centre, Favela-Bairro do Borel, - Organised leisure activities and social opportunities for children and teenagers of criminal, poor or missing families, Madagascar, Volunteer, Moramanga Leprosy Hospital, - Assisting with fundraising and logistics, helping to rebuild gardens and hospital pavilions and organising leisure activities for patients and their, Milan, Volunteer, Orphans project, Volunteer Associazione nazionale per la difesa della fanciullezza abbandonata - Association welcoming orphans, Milan, Volunteer, FRANCIS TODAY: Finding jobs for Disabled People, - Association helping disabled people to find a job, Milan, Volunteer, AIAS, - Association working with handicapped people