
Director ,
4Ts Consult


Over 12 years total experience in Pacific island project management and implementation in the areas of environmental information, knowledge management and clearinghouse mechanisms. 9 years in consultancy work with consultant expanding her coverage to Results-based corporate planning; Monitoring & Evaluation; Organisational Review; Community assessments; climate resilience policy and institutional review; project and program designing and proposal writing for several clients in Samoa and the Pacific. Drafted, designed and implemented the 1st ever Pacific Island owned Rapid Response Fund and Regional Technical Support Mechanism - funded by ADB and administered by SPREP under the guidance of the Working Arm of the CROP Executives SubCommittee on Climate Change & Disaster Resilient Development (WARD). Launched in July 2014 by the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders, the RTSM and RRF is hosted within the SPREP and services 14 ADB Developing Member Countries (DMCs)

Work experience
SPREP, Regional Technical Support Mechanism, Samoa, 14 Pacific Island Countries, RTSM Coordinator, Implementation of the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience: Pacific Region, The PPCR aims to help countries transform to a climate-resilient development path, consistent with national poverty reduction and sustainable developm