
Consultant ,
Subbarao Consulting Services


Dr. Srikanth Subbarao has more than 15 years of experience on policy, technology and capacity building aspects of low carbon energy and climate change mitigation. As a consultant and expert, he has carried out and contributed towards various international assignments for institutional and private sector clients (ADB, World Bank, UNDP/GEF, UNIDO, UNEP, GIZ, EU and DfID) in renewable energy, climate change mitigation and environmental management sectors. His professional experience covers more than 15 developing countries in Asia & Pacific. He has been extensively involved in the Pacific Island Countries on activities related to renewable energy and climate change mitigation which include technical advisory services, policy development, project identification studies, programme management, training and capacity building.

Qualifications and credentials
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Climate Change Mitigation and Development, May 2011, Completed, University of Otago, Dunedin
MSc in Renewable Energy, September 2001, Completed, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg
Bachelor of Engineering in “Civil-Environmental Engineering”, October 1992, Completed, National Institute of Engineering
UNDP, Asia-Pacific Office, Climate Change Mitigation Expert - Roster of Experts
Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Climate Change Mitigation Expert - Roster of Experts
Practical Action, UK, Empaneled consultant
English, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Hindi, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
Bislama, Pijin and Fijian, Average, Average, Average
Work experience
M & E specialist
Climate financing specialist
Capacity building specialist
RE, CC Mitigation and Low Carbon Development
Subbarao Consulting Services ltd, Director, New Zealand, Fiji, International Waste to Energy Expert, Assessment Study for Waste to Energy Resource Assessment in Fiji, The overall purpose of this assignment is to quantify and assess the amount of biomass, agriculture feed stocks and wastes that is available in Fiji f, Vanuatu, International Renewable Energy Expert, Solar and Biogas based Rural Electrification of Vanuatu, This Project comprises of 2 objectives: 1. Increased sustainability of livelihoods in Vanuatu through the enhanced energy security of Vanuatu locally , Solomon Islands, International National Communication Expert, Development of Solomon Islands Second National Communication to UNFCCC, The major outcome of the assignment is to develop a final draft of Solomon Islands SNC report ready for submission to UNFCCC. This involves reviewing , Fiji, Biogas Technical Adviser, Development of Biogas Pilot Projects in Fiji, Project development and technical assistance for designing, implementation and monitoring of household and institutional level biogas projects in Fiji, Nauru, International National Communication Expert, Development of Republic of Nauru Second National Communication to UNFCCC, Technical support on development of Second National Communication including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory, mitigation analysis, adaptation & vulnera, Fiji, International Clean Development Mechanism Expert, Technical Support for Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) CDM Projects, Support on CDM monitoring, verification and issuance of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for the Nadarivatu Hydro Power Project which is awaiting , Vanuatu, International National Communication Expert, Development of Vanuatu Second National Communication, Technical support on development of Second National Communication including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory, mitigation analysis, adaptation & vulnera, Vanuatu, Climate Change Mitigation Expert, Government of Vanuatu - Climate Change office, Technical advisory services on developing and implementing climate change mitigation initiatives in Vanuatu, Fiji, Vanautu and Solomon Islands, International CC Mitigation Expert, Strengthening the institutional and stakeholder capacity on CDM PoA, NAMAs & post-2012 carbon market, Component 1: Capacity building on CDM Programme of Activities, post 2012 carbon market mechanisms including reformed CDM as well as latest developmen, Republic of Marshall Islands, International Consultant and National Communications Expert, Second National Communications (SNC) to the UNFCCC, Technical advisory services including training and capacity building in preparation of SNC to the UNFCCC including GHG inventory and mitigation analys, Vanuatu, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) and Renewable Energy Expert, Rural Electrification NAMA in Vanautu, • Data collection and identification of a pipeline of 5-10 potential NAMA interventions • Design business models, implementation and financing structu, Fiji, Vanuatu, Nauru and Papua New Guinea, International Climate Change Mitigation Expert, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) to UNFCCC, In coordination with the counterpart officials facilitate collection of relevant information/data/documents on national development policies and strat, Samoa, NAMA and Renewable Energy Expert, Development of renewable energy and energy efficiency and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action, Fiji, Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Expert, Technology Needs Assessment to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Develop a sector and technology identification and assessment methodology complete with timelines, customised to Fiji following international mitigati, Fiji, Team Leader and Climate Change Mitigation Expert, Green House Gas Inventory, Mitigation Analysis under the Third National Communications (TNC), Development of TNC including national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by , Vanuatu, Renewable Energy Expert, Development of Green Growth Project concepts and proposal
Self Employed, Independent Consultant, New Zealand, Pan South Pacific, International CDM Expert, EU ACP MEA - CDM Component in PIC's, • Identification of potential CDM stand alone and PoA’s in the Pacific (Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga) and development of PINs and P, Timor Leste, International CDM Expert, Establishment and Capacity Building of DNA in Timor-Leste, • Establishment of DNA and development of associated guidelines and procedures for approval of CDM projects as well as carrying out a study to identif, Solomon Islands, International CDM Expert, Establishment and Capacity Building of DNA in Solomon Islands, • Establishment of DNA and development of associated guidelines and procedures for approval of CDM projects as well as carrying out a study to identif, Papua New Guinea, International CDM Expert, CDM Technical Advisory Support to PNG Power Ltd, Development of CDM Programme of Activities for small scale renewable energy projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) – First registered CDM PoA in the Pacif, Pan South Pacific, Regional CC Mitigation and CDM Expert for the Pacific (Consultant), ADB Carbon Market Programme, Climate change mitigation and CDM policy and technical advisory services in the Pacific region
IT Power India, Low Carbon Development and Renewable Energy Specialist, India, South Asia, Low Carbon Development and Renewable Energy Specialist, Technical advisory service on Climate Change Mitigation, Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Development, Wide ranging experience in technical, financial, policy and feasibility aspects of Low carbon development; Climate change mitigation; Renewable energy