
Head of Climate Change, Meteorologist ,
Meteorologist - Meteo France


Head of Climate Change Division, Meteo France, FAAÁ-Tahiti
Head of Project - Potential Downsealing Method; Seasonal Forecase (ENSO-Predictor); Historical of Tropical Cyclone in FP

Qualifications and credentials
French, Excellent, Excellent, Excellent
English, Good, Average, Good
Work experience
Meteo-France, Head of Climate Division, FAAÁ-TAHITI, Tahiti, FAAÁ, Head of Project, Potential Downsealing Method, Potential Downsealing Method, FAAÁ, Head of Project, Seasonal Forecase (ENSO-Predictor), Seasonal Forecase (ENSO-Predictor), FAAÁ, Head of Project, Historical of Tropical Cyclone in FP, Historical of Tropical Cyclone in FP