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Found 17 experts
  • Social scientist (economics, gender expertise) with over 12 years experience providing advice, analysis and technical assistance to governments including eight years in the Pacific as an economist and policy adviser with the Land Resources Division of SPC and a climate change adviser with GIZ.; Experience with supporting policy development processes, information and knowledge management strengthening, providing economic and gender analysis to inform and evaluate interventions, trainer and facilitator of various training courses and workshops, development partner coordination structures, monitoring and evaluation processes.; Author of the "Pacific Gender and Climate Change Toolkit" (2013) and associated training course, contributing author to the " Cost-benefit analysis for natural resource management in the Pacific: A guide" and trainer for its application, management and strengthening of the Pacific Agriculture and Forestry Policy Network (PAFPNet), strategic oversight of the Pacific Youth and Agriculture Strategy development.

  • Key Achievements:
    - Principal author of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Port of Darwin – a requirement of the Competition and Infrastructure Reform Agreement (CIRA) under the National Reform Agenda (NRA)- All findings and recommendations of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for the Port of Darwin were approved by Cabinet and have since been implemented. - Successfully advocated to other members on the Northern Territory Climate Change Steering Committee that local-level policies included in the Northern Territory Climate Change Policy Framework should be 'complementary' to the proposed national emissions trading scheme or carbon tax

  • I have considerable experience working as an economist with over 20 years experience working on a range of macro and micro economic issues for Commonwealth and State agencies in Australia and regionally in the Pacific for the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. I have extensive experience working on a range of public policy issues. I have held management roles responsible for the leadership of, and significant contributions to, development of infrastructure plans, climate change finance, disaster risk reduction, natural resource policy and legislation, regulation of markets, performance measurement and evaluation reporting frameworks, cost benefit analysis proposals and policy governance frameworks.

  • Knowledge and Management Specialist
    Climate Financing Specialist
    Disaster Relief/Management Specialist
    Environmental and social safeguards specialist
    Economist [Cost-Benefit Analysis of CC]
    Director at the Solomon Islands Financial Intelligence Unit
    Community Trainer Specialist
    Capacity Building Specialist
    Credit Control Supervisor at National Bank of Solomon Islands
    Manager Finance at DIDAO Development, Solomon Islands
    Countries of Work Experience: Solomon Islands

  • Expert at UNFCCC for Registration and Issuance
    Expert for CDM Methodology Review
    Member at Project Developer Forum
    Expert at Partnership for Market Readiness; a World Bank Initiative for capacity building and piloting of new market based tools for GHG reduction
    Countries of Work Experience: India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Lao, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Nigeria
    Project Head UNDP 2014; To develop a detailed financial resource assessment for implementing the recommendations and strategies outlined in the Madhya Pradesh (MP) State Action Plan (SAPCC:
    - Estimate the finances (direct as well as indirect) that need to be invested for fully operationalizing the strategies proposed for identified sectors
    - Classify the sectoral recommendation and identify the fund requirement in for each activity and the sources for them.
    - Identification of financing options and gap-filling strategies by assessing current budgetary allocations/expenditure of the departments working on issues falling within these sectors, to explore funds that could be made available for implementation
    - Development of plan of action along with details on the methodology proposed to be used for making the estimates of financial requirements.
    Project Leader for Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation 2014, Main objective is to map the international sources of climate finance which India could potentially access and provide a comparative analysis with other peer developing countries to gauge India’s preparedness to access International Climate finance and provide recommendations for setting appropriate institutional structure for effective climate fiance
    Project Leader for GIZ 2013; Preparation of Activity Data and Selection of
    Emission Factors for these sectors in Mexico to generate the emission data base and Emission Inventory
    Emission of F-gases and preparation of a ‘NAMA Project’ for F-gases in Mexico
    Project Leader at National Environment Commission Government of Bhutan 2013; Performed a situational analysis formulating and implementing NAMAs in Housing; Transport & Waste management sectors and LEDS in Transport and Industrial sectors and the related MRV functions. Profiling of the baseline scenario in the relevant sectors including social, gender, poverty and environmental issues. Integrated gender issues/ recommendations from the gender rapid assessment. Preparation of capacity development work plan and timeline on capacity needs assessment implementation and delivery in technical, social and operational aspects. Identification of SMART (ie Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and time-specific) capacity development indicators that the NEC could use.
    Project Coordinator for the Ministry of Urban Development 2013; To estimate the improvement in GHG emissions in each of the SUTP cities due to the implementation of the demonstration projects and related co-benefits (air, noise and safety). To build capacity in the SUTP project cities to carry out systemic energy assessments of urban transport systems as well as generate locally relevant information regarding environmentally soundness and sustainability
    of the cities’ transportation interventions.
    Project Leader for UNDP & State of Jharkhand; Identified the sectors that are likely to be impacted by the temperature and precipitation changes in the long run. Consultation and coordination with the climate advisory, coordination team for preparing the state action plan. Developed a road map for state to adapt climate change. Developed the SAPCC document.
    Project Leader Technology needs Assessment for Bhutan 2011: Identification Prioritization and Action Plan preparation for GHG reduction. Technologies for country of Bhutan Under the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA), Project under UNFCCC for non Annex countries and consistent with Guidelines of UNEP Risoe Center
    Project Leader Policy Study on bio fuel assessments and development plan for Lao PDR, Ministry of Energy and Mines 2013.
    Project Leader, EVI National Solar Power Development Program. Leader of EVI Development of methodology AMS IIIAF “Shift from high carbon Intensive fuel mix ratio to low Carbon intensive fuel mix ratio
    Project Leader, Registration of CDM projects with UNFCCC and othe GHG protocols 2005-2013.