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Found 53 experts
  • I am a lawyer by profession and is currently the People’s Lawyer for Tuvalu. I holds a Master of Law in Government and Regulation from the Australia National University, Professional Diploma in Legal Drafting (PDLD), Professional Diploma in Legal Practice (PDLP) and BA/LLB degree from University of the South Pacific .

    I have been practiced as a lawyer in Tuvalu for more than 10 years. For 6 years, I worked as a government lawyer in the Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) of Tuvalu and then as the People’s Lawyer in the Office of the People’s Lawyer (OPL).

    In the OAG, I worked as a government litigator, prosecutor, legal drafter and represented the Government in national and international conferences.

    As the People’s Lawyer I became both the public solicitor and defender and also managed the OPL. I involved in alternative dispute resolution settlements and work directly with the people. I also conducted public education and awareness for the people and capacity building for OPL staff.

  • Raya Salter is an energy law, policy and regulation lawyer and professor working with governments, private companies, institutions and NGOs, in
    domestic and international jurisdictions to advance a transition from fossil fuel to clean and renewable power. She is an expert on utility and energy sector reform and energy law and policy with a focus on grid modernization and clean energy integration. Ms. Salter's practice is focused on Hawaii and Pacific islands.

    Raya has 10 years of experience as an attorney. This includes NGOs, including the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Defense Fund, where she advocated for clean energy policy and utility reform in 9 states. Ms. Salter also worked in private with the firm of Dewey & LeBeouf in New York City, working on utility mergers and acquisitions and energy regulation. Raya has a JD from Fordham Law School and a BA in economics from Wesleyan University. She is also a Adjunct Professor of Law at Fordham Law School.

  • I own and manage a very successful, Samoa-based ICT consultancy firm with a proven track record in successfully leading large complex ICT projects in Samoa. Bitsolution delivers practical methodologies and world-class solutions for all our clients. My team at Bitsolution has a combined total of 30+years working experience in ICT and have developed various databases, websites, web-based system/platform for various sectors inclusive infrastructure, livelihood (e.g. agriculture, fisheries) and others (i.e. parliamentary, statistics etc). We have proven experience and skills in knowledge management systems and software; SQL; Access and other IT software(s). I have excellent communication skills as I am a qualified trainer for the Samoa In-country Training Programme (GoSamoa, Australia initiative) and conduct regular training(s) for various stakeholders in the area of ICT & specific issues (e.g. ICT & governance; ICT & private sector;ICT & people with disabilities; ICT & communities etc).

  • Accounting & Finance, Climate Change, Strategy, Facilitation, Sustainability

    Julian Crawford is a Director of EcoSTEPS and a project leader on strategy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk management and resilience related projects with over fifteen years’ experience since 2000. He has worked on numerous projects across the Pacific region. Clients have included international inter-government organisations (IGOs) (eg PIFS, SPC and SOPAC), funding agencies (eg DFAT/AusAid, NZAid, UNEP, ADB, UNDP, GEF), major corporations and Australian Federal, State and Local Governments. Acts as a senior adviser on major policy work or is responsible for leading complex projects/programs, often involving the participation of one or more multidisciplinary teams. • Has a strong academic background (Oxford University, UK) and internationally recognized professional status in the field (Director and past-President ISSP (International Society of Sustainability Professionals). • Excellent thematic expertise: including Climate Change, Strategy, Stakeholder

  • EIA consultant; Water Quality expert
    Oceania Environment Consultants, Suva.

    I have more than 16 years work experience as Fellow in the Environment unit, Institute of Applied Science (IAS), University of the South Pacific (USP), where my work included conducting scientific research and investigations, and my special area of expertise was in water quality testing, water sampling for analysis, and general ecological assessments.
    I have been team leader on a number of projects including major EIA studies, not only in Fiji but the region as well, where my role included collaboration with other stakeholders, government and non-government, and other local and external EIA consultants, e.g. for the Rewa River Dredging EIA. I was team leader for a conservation project on coastal rehabilitation along Coral Coast, funded by the Darwin Initiative. I have prepared at least 30 technical reports, EIA Reports for clients, not only from Fiji but the region as well. Our clients included the governments (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu); private developers (Denarau Resort).

  • US Registered Civil Engineer and Certified Water Treatment Operator, with extensive Pacific Island (Hawaii, Guam, CNMI, Palau, RMI, FSM) Drinking Water (DW) and Water Resource Management (WRM) experience. 24 years with the US Environmental Protection Agency in a wide range of DW and WRM activities, in California, Hawaii and Micronesia. 2 years as the sole Engineer for the Palau Environmental Quality Protection Board, on all environmental programs. Experienced in all aspects of DW and WRM activities–project and program planning, management; monitoring and evaluation; water system/utility treatment, distribution, O&M assessment, engineering design, construction, operations; operator and management training, maintenance, financing; grant writing and grant oversight. Planning for and providing emergency response actions, for typhoons and other disasters, including Hurricane Katrina (USA); Typhoon Chata’an; (Guam); and Typhoon Haiyan (Palau).

    Candidate in Master of Business Administration, USP RMI, (4 more courses needed)
     Master of Legal Studies in International and Environmental Law, Australian National University 2002
     Certificate in World Affairs, East West Center University of Hawaii, 2004
     Certificate Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Studies, Waikato University, 1998
     Bachelor’s of Arts Natural Sciences, University of Hawaii at Hilo, 1994-1997

     Legal Drafting, Parliament Sponsored Workshop, 2006
     International Treaty Negotiations, SPREP, 2005
     Strategic Planning, held in Guam USA, 2006
     Budget/Financial Preparations, Majuro 2005
     Environmental and Sustainable Development Project Design
     Greenhouse gas inventory, Fiji 1998
    COUNTRIES OF WORK EXPERIENCE: Republic of Marshall Islands, Pacific and International

    Positions Held





  • My interest in the environment started as I worked as a climatologist in the Apia Observatory, Samoa, where I learnt a lot about the close links between the weather/climate and other components of the environment including humans. I later took an academic career with the National Uni of Samoa (participate in the environment issue) in its inception years until the end of 1999.
    Moving to Australia in 2000 allowed me to take an administration pathway with the University of NSW until 2006 and a theology degree. This helped developed a more complete toolkit to deal with the environment issue. Returning to Samoa this decade gave me an opening to connect in a more meaningful way with communities which are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Currently I'm enjoying this work immensely with the OLSSI.

  • Consultancy: Conducted consultancy on water quality testing and training for sanitation and water assessment technicians in Samoa. Currently part of team member drafting Samoa's GEF-SGP country programme strategy for its 6th Operational Programme. Drafted methodology for Samoa's second greenhouse inventory. Drafted primary science curriculum for Samoa. Lessons learnt from completed consultancies have been applied to research and teaching to a student community and applied to the assessment of community climate change resilience and conservation projects. Work experience: Researcher on water quality assessment using conventional methods; currently trialing the use of DNA technology for water assessment. Background in ocean acidification. Project member for EU-funded EDULINK Project on Education for Sustainable Development and Pace-Net Plus Project on Health, Food security, marine and maritime and inland water research, Climate change. Experience in budgetary and report writing

  • Sustainable development; environmentalist; land surveyor; researcher; advocacy; community specialist

    1. Climate change (UNFCCC) and biodiversity (CBD) expert implementing biodiversity audits and natural resources accounting in mangroves, wetlands, and ecosystems in close to 30 villages in Samoa 2010-2015
    2. Adviser as a GEF expert (2012-2016) in Global CSO Network and Regional Focal Point for the Pacific region
    3. Expert and consultant on land desertification (UNCCD) and one of two who developed USD$5million GEF-5 project for Samoa 2014
    4. Adviser for Communities Engagement Policies and part of World Bank governance as Indigenous Observer in Climate Investment Funds (2012-2015)
    5. Expert on SIDS Issues and lead the Major Groups in Samoa, Pacific, and other regions develop their positions for the SAMOA Pathway 2014
    6. Expert on sustainable development issues wrote extensively to critique the Rio to Rio+20 processes from perspectives of SIDS, CSO, Indigenous Peoples and local communities (2002-2015)
    7. Part of Governance and member of the Boards and steering Committees that lead and manage the work of Global Forest Coalition, CBD Alliance, Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Bioculture Assessment (IPCCA), International Alliance of Indigenous Peoples Tropical Forests around the world (2002-2005)
    8. Manager of the GEF/SPREP Pacific regional programs as defacto DRR of UNDP/Samoa for 8 years (1994-2001)
    9. Lead UNCED negotiations process for Samoa as Director and Head of Department of Lands Surveys and Environment (1991-1993), now MNRE, and started the Environment Division
    10 Started and Head own private Surveying Company in Samoa (1980-1988)

  • Paul Holper is an experienced environment and science communicator. He spent 25 years at Australia’s CSIRO in senior positions. He managed the Australian Climate Change Science Program, with over 100 researchers. Prior to that he was Communication Manager for CSIRO Atmospheric Research. He convened international climate change ‘GREENHOUSE’ conferences and has run workshops in Australia and overseas. Paul is a Director of Scientell PL. He has worked for iCLIM, the Pacific climate change adaptation program run in collaboration with SPREP. This entailed visits to Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu and extensive discussions with government officials, representatives from NGOs and environmental practitioners. He has produced climate change brochures for the Victorian Government, highlighting the latest projections and adaptation options. He has an honours degree in chemistry and qualifications in science communication and education. He has written 23 science books for children and for adults.

  • Project and Programme Design, Preparation, Implementation and Evaluation
    Capacity Building, including training, institutional strengthening and policy development and planning
    Disaster and Climate Risk Assessments and Management - nationally as well as for specific sectors, islands and communities
    Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Financing