Relevant experience summary
Working across the private and public sector, Amanda has over 23 years’ experience in program/project design and implementation across climate change, disaster risk reduction, environment and energy projects across the Pacific and Asian region.
As ClimateABILITY’s Director, Amanda is responsible for overseeing the delivery of climate change adaptation, migitation, climate finance and disaster risk reduction projects. As GHD’s APAC lead for Climate Risk and Resilience, Amanda had responsibility for designing and implementing projects on sustainability and climate change. Through her work she focussed on climate change risk assessments, emissions reduction frameworks, climate scenario analysis, electrification, decarbonisation, monitoring and evaluation.
While at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology she managed teams undertaking oceanographic and climatological capacity building work through developing, implementing and managing scientific/technical tools and applications for Australian and Pacific National Meteorology services. She has also led engineering teams responsible for weather equipment procurement, complex repair, and overhaul.
As a private consultant she has led teams in the Pacific on projects focussed on climate science, services, adaptation and mitigation. This includes national and regional policy work like the Pacific Islands Meteorological Strategy, Pacific Island Enhanced Roadmap for Climate Services, the Tuvalu national drought policy, the Pacific’s first forecast-based financing roadmap, training on climate science and climate information services. She has provided technical advice on climate, weather and oceanography and undertaken significant amounts of GCF proposal development and stakeholder engagement for UN and regional funding bodies including the World Meteorological Organization, UNDP, SPREP and UNEP.
Professional experience
ClimateABILITY Pty Ltd | December 2021 - Present
As ClimateABILITY’s Director, Amanda has responsibility for managing projects spanning a wider range of services including climate science, design and feasibility studies, climate responsive infrastructure, locally led design, capacity development etc.
GCF Team Leader (PNG Agriculture and Forest Ecosystems) – Abt Associates (2024-2025)
As ABT’s team leader, Amanda represents ABT to internal and external stakeholder and manages the day to day running of the ABT-led consortium and provides technical assistance services to SPREP and partners across a broad spectrum of activities to produce a full funding proposal for the GCF. This includes facilitating national and provincial stakeholder engagement, analyses for climate science, GEDSI, MERLA, Equipment Operation and Maintenance etc.
Pacific Climate Adaptation SME for Coral Reef Pacific decision support tool scoping -Adaptus (2025)
Amanda is supporting the integration of climate adaptation principles into the development of the Pacific decision support tool, ensuring that it aligns with local knowledge, stakeholder needs, and emerging climate risks to support evidence based reef conservation and restoration in the Pacific.
Climate Risk and Resilience Lead - APAC
GHD Pty Ltd | November 2021 – August 2024
As GHD’s APAC lead for Climate Risk and Resilience, Amanda has responsibility for managing projects with sustainability and climate change services such as climate change risk assessments, emissions reduction frameworks, climate scenario analysis, and decarbonisation.
Tuvalu National Adaptation Plan development – SPREP (2024-2023)
To strengthen climate and disaster resilience, the Government of Tuvalu is currently undertaking a national adaptation planning process and developing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in partnership with the Green Climate Fund, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), and GHD. Amanda is the climate change technical director and is leading the climate elements of the NAP development process.
Papua New Guinea Electrification Partnership Project Management – Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade (2022-2024)
In support of MFAT’s multi-million projects on rural electrification in Papua New Guinea, Amanda led a team to provide project management services. This included responsibility for electrification across provinces in PNG, supporting MFAT in business casing renewable energy generation projects. Proposing capacity uplift for PNG Power limited and stakeholders as well as designing a monitoring and evaluation programme in support of MFAT’s reporting requirements.
Climate resilient WASH advisory - Water for Women (2023-2022)
Amanda was an advisor for Water for Women, reviewing proposals for work on inclusive, climate resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) which focuses on embedding climate resilience in WASH projects. The Water for Women Fund is the Australian Government’s flagship $118.9 million (2018-2022) WASH program. The fund has explored a focus on climate resilient WASH to better address SDG 6 by building stronger connections between WASH, water security and water resource management. Amanda’s advisory role reviewing the climate resilience aspect of concept and research proposals aids Water for Women in their quest to pivot their program to one with a climate change focus. Her work aided in the design of the next phase of Water for Women.
Assessments for Maritime Connectivity, Vulnerability and Strategic Needs in Pacific Island Countries - World Bank (2022)
Amanda provided technical directorship towards the Regional Maritime Vulnerability Assessment; one of three deliverables associated with the World Bank Groups’ study on Blue Transformation for Maritime Transport in the Pacific. The assessment aimed to support 12 Pacific Island countries to better understand their vulnerability to geophysical and climate induced hazards over time as they relate to regional maritime connectivity and determined potential options to mitigate impacts on the maritime sector. Amanda provided leadership on the analysis and research for the Country Case Studies vulnerability assessment which evaluated the hazard exposure, and sensitivity and adaptive capacity ratings for 36 ports – 15 in Fiji, 11 in Kiribati, and 10 in the Solomon Islands. The case studies provide context on how sensitivity of infrastructure and adaptive capacity considerations at a port contribute to vulnerability to hazards, now and in the future.
Climate change literature review and scenario scan - Melbourne Water (2022)
Amanda technically directed work delivered to Melbourne Water on a climate change literature review and a climate scenario scan. Work package 1 involved a review of existing Melbourne Water background material and external resources. The outputs of the review are a first step towards establishment of baseline knowledge on climate change impacts across various business functions across Melbourne Water for their stakeholders. Work package 2 saw the delivery of a best practice approach to climate scenario analysis, with a focus on asset management. It was undertaken to identify insights that can be leveraged by Melbourne Water in taking their next steps with a climate focus.
Technical Review of CCRA for Australian infrastructure projects (2021-2023)
As a technical reviewer, Amanda utilizes her wide range of expertise to evaluate the robustness and accuracy of climate change risk assessments. She has completed technical reviews of several CCRAs for Australian infrastructure projects, ensuring the most up-to-date information is relayed to the client, following best practice methodologies.
Pacific Science Solutions (PSS) | July 2016 – November 2021
As a Director of Pacific Science Solutions, Amanda has undertaken the following consultancies:
Australian Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit (APCP)
November 2020 – June 2021
Palladium International funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) engagement to be part of the APCP Expert Panel for Science Communications. PSS worked on identifying climate change volunteer (Australian Volunteers Program) placements in 14 Pacific countries which required the identification of Pacific organisations (government, private and NGOs) that would welcome and benefit from the placement of a qualified volunteers.
Intra-ACP Assessments – Consultancy for the Pacific SIDS region
October 2020 – April 2021:
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) engagement to identify SIDS priorities (in terms of climate affected sectors and impacts, key stakeholder groups, and relevant products, services or data) common to countries within each sub-region of the Pacific. The task involved building on the findings of the regional assessments, assessing the availability of regional platforms for dialogue, collaboration and knowledge exchange in the Pacific that could form the basis of a regional User Interface Platform (UIP) and identifying appropriate platforms that could support regional UIPs.
Green Climate Fund (GCF) Niue Concept Note redevelopment - UNDP
November 2019 – June 2020:
Increasing the Resilience of Niue through a comprehensive approach to Climate Information Services and Early Warning Systems – UNDP engagement to review and update the Niue GCF SAP Concept Note through stakeholder engagement and specialist technical input.
GCF RMI Country Programme and Project Development - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP)
July 2019–February 2020
Engagement to develop RMI GCF Country Programme and Pipeline Concepts for submission to the GCF. Amanda’s company engaged a local consultant in RMI to carry out the required activities to support developing and finalising for approval, the RMI GCF Country Programme, two concept proposals based on key priorities (renewable energy and health) endorsed by the RMI Government.
Enhancing Early Warning Systems to build greater resilience to Hydro-Meteorological Hazards in Timor Leste – UN Environment Programme
August 2019– January 2021
Engagement to complete a funding proposal for the Green Climate Fund addressing the obstacles to provision of end-to-end warnings of extreme events in Timor Leste (initially started in 2017). The proposal was designed to integrate the operations of the agencies in each Timor Leste who forecast extreme weather and climate events, prepare for disasters and manage disaster response, and broadcast warnings and advice. The proposal was successful and accepted by the GCF in June 2021.
Enhancing Climate Information and Knowledge Services for resilience in 5 Pacific Island Countries Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, Niue, Palau and Tuvalu– UN Environment Programme
January 2019 – February 2020
Engagement to complete a funding proposal for the Green Climate Fund addressing enhancement of climate information services and early warning systems for 5 PICs. The proposal developed climate science and information services that are essential for sustainable development, environmental management, disaster risk reduction, food security, health services, water resource management and energy efficiency. The proposal was successful and accepted by the GCF in November 2020.
Climate Information Services (CIS) Policy Review, Sector Action and Communication Plans (Vanuatu)
September 2018 – December 2019
Support to Lead International Consultant World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (5 PICS)
July 2017 – September 2018
Pacific Management of Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. (14 PICS)
September 2016 – June 2018
Fiji, Develop Fiji’s National Framework for Climate Services and Action Plan for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP).
February 2018 – April 2018:
Develop Drought Response Plans for Solomon Islands and Tuvalu,
June 2017 – May 2018:
National (Fiji) Consultant for Green Climate Fund
July – December 2017:
Forecast-based Financing (FbF) for drought in the Solomon Islands for the Australian Red Cross.
June – December 2017
Mid Term Review of the Pacific Island Meteorological Strategy for SPREP.
October 2016 – June 2017
The Development of the Pacific Roadmap for Strengthened Climate Services for SPREP.
October 2016 – June 2017
National Manager & Technical Officer
Australian Bureau of Meteorology | 2001 - 2016
– Manager, Observing, Infrastructure & Equipment, Infrastructure Management Branch 2014 – 2016
– Manger Climate and Ocean Monitoring & Prediction, Climate and Ocean Support Program in the Pacific 2012 – 2014
– National Manager, Ocean Climate Services 2010 – 2012
– National Manager, Oceanographic Services 2008 – 2010
– Technical Expert, Various Branches 2001 – 2008
Project Manager with more than 8 years of experience in the education sector as a secondary school teacher, more than 2 years of experience in the business development sector as a business manager in development banking and more than 10 years in the field of environment, climate change and disaster risks management and resilience building working with donors, development partners and stakeholders. I have over 10 years experience in project management working in 15 countries in the Pacific region. These experiences includes capacity building, business developments, disaster risk management/reduction and climate change adaptation, mitigation and finance, climate science information, biodiversity and land degradation.
I have represented Nauru, Fiji and SPREP at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) and familiar with the UNFCCC processes and procedures in coordination, monitoring and reporting to the UNFCCC secretariat. In addition, I was the development of the Third National Communication Coordinator for Fiji and experience with building capacity by mainstreaming multilateral environment agreement (UNFCCC, UNCBD and UNCCD) into inter-ministerial structures and mechanisms across Fiji Government and non-government organizations.
Co-founder of Takutea O Kiva Ltd (TOK Consulting), a Cook Islands based consultancy company that works exclusively on projects occurring in the pacific, with a team wholly comprised of indigenous pacific based professionals.
Positions held include CEO of the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce, Business Operations Manager for Avaroa Cable Limited Cook Islands, Business Improvement Manager for Southern Cross Health Society NZ, and Project Manager for Vodafone NZ.
Passionate about climate change, disaster risk management, business mentoring, and the holistic involvement of indigenous communities in Country planning activities. Advocate at heart for openly sharing knowledge and forming new connections.
May 1998 to date: Managing Director/Business Consultant, Resort Support, Fiji - Management services and consultancy to resorts and dive operations. All of the positions after May 1998 below were completed as a consultancy through Resort Support
May 2023 to November 2023: Tourism and coral reef resilience specialist – Fiji / ADB & PSDI – Develop a tourism focused situation analysis of potential pilot sites in Fiji, built on the ADB baseline assessment of potential pilot sites, to develop financial and insurance products as part of efforts to improve the resilience of Fiji's tourism sector and economy.
November 2022 to June 2023: Tourism Business Development Specialist, Fiji National Sustainable Tourism Framework /Fiji MTCA & IFC – IFC work with a consortium, working directly with Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation on the formulation of Fiji’s National Sustainable Tourism Framework, as a successor plan of the Fijian Tourism 2021 strategy.
August 2022 to November 2023: National Tourism Business Development Specialist – Fiji / International Centre for Environmental Management & WBG - Assessment of Needs and Opportunities to Improve Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainable Tourism in Fiji.
January 2022 to July 2022: Tourism Consultant, YCP Solidance/Fiji & IFC - Fiji Tourism Investment Mapping: National Level COVID-19 Recovery & Greening & Vanua Levu Destination Development. Tourism Expert.
August 2021 to January 2022: Tourism Consultant, RLA Global, Dubai/Fiji & IFC - Fiji Tourism Investment Mapping: National Level COVID-19 Recovery & Greening & Vanua Levu Destination Development. SME and Sustainable Tourism Expert.
May 2021 – July 2021 : Hospitality operational management consultancy services for the private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, World Bank Group/IFC - The consultancy is to provide knowledge, technical assistance and support to tourism private sector of the Kyrgyz Republic in order to increase efficiency of business through improvement of tourist products and offers, better marketing and promotion, and enhanced business operations as well as facilitation and outreach of investment projects. Specific focus is to be given to COVID-19 recovery efforts.
August 2017 to July 2021 : Part-time Fellow, Discipline of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Faculty of Business & Economic, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji – Re-designed courses, coordinated courses and taught all levels of undergraduate students.
• TS309 Tourism Business Entrepreneurship
• TS311: Sustainable Tourism Development
• TS109: Food and Beverage Services & Cost Control
• TS208: Operational Issues for Hospitality
March 2019 to date: Approved Service Provider for Business Link Pacific, Fiji- New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) : BLP ASP for both financial management (installing and facilitating Xero Software conversions) and website building for e-commerce solutions for SME.
January 2016 to September 2016: Development Consultant – Destination Marketing Organisations MDF/Australia DFAT supported project to develop and launch 2 new DMOs, Tourism Suncoast and Tourism Kadavu., from inception to operational plans.
• Bring together all parties to form new DMOs
• Develop legal and financial frameworks for the new organisations
• Develop the strategic and tactical marketing for the start up DMOs for 1st year.
January 2015 to May 2015: Strategic Marketing Consultant – Talanoa Treks MDF/Australia DFAT supported project to analyse and further develop the strategic and tactical marketing for the start up ecotourism venture.
• Market Assessment: Identification and clarification of the proposed Market Segments to establish their scope and viability
• Market Identification and Segmentation: Once the size and scope of each market segment has been identified and surveyed, the Directors will be able to make informed decisions on which segments to target and prioritise them.
• Marketing Campaign Recommendations: The recommended marketing campaign specific to these segments will be presented and launched (or set-up to launch at Directors discretion).
• Ongoing Monitoring and Assessment: After the campaigns are launched, on going online tools will be maintained to track market needs on an ongoing basis as online pre and post walk surveys with clients.
January 2013 to date: Managing Director – The Army of Flying Monkeys – Online marketing services and campaign management for the small-medium business community in the South Pacific with a small team of developers and marketing professionals. Specialise in on-time delivery of online marketing campaigns including:
• WordPress development and deployment (guaranteed within 30 days)
• Online advertising campaign management (PPC, AdWords, niche markets)
• CRM solution deployment and email marketing campaign management
August 2007 – Dec 2012: Business Development Director, Matava Fiji's Premier Eco Resort – Senior Executive Director responsible for strategic planning, marketing and business development. Primary directive was business development and growth.
• Designed and project managed $1 million, 6 month rebuild of central complex of Matava Resort
• Increased retail sales and profit by designing and installing new boutique in main complex
• Reduced costs and increased safety by designing and implementing new Food and Beverage Management System (including HACCAP)
• Reduced accounts receivable by recommending and implementing MYOB Accounting Plus including Payroll as Accounting system
• Increased occupancy from 59% 2007, to 64% 2008 (to date) by designing and implementing new Strategic and Tactical Marketing Plans
November 2004 – July 2006: General Manager, Active Fiji/Tui Tai Adventure Cruises, Fiji – Senior Executive Manager responsible to Board of Directors for strategic planning, operations and crew of 36. Primary directive was business development and growth.
• Designed and project managed $1 million, 4 month refit of all accommodations/cabins on Tui Tai adventure cruise ship
• Increased on-board sales and profit by designing and installing in-house dive operation on cruise ship
• Reduced costs and increased safety by designing and implementing new Food and Beverage Management System (including HACCAP)
• Reduced accounts receivable by recommending and implementing MYOB Premier v9 including Payroll as Accounting system
• Increased occupancy from 62% 2005, to 84% 2006 (mean) by designing and implementing new Marketing Plan and Reservations System
April-May 2005: Hotel Management Consultant, Matava Resort, Kadavu, Fiji - Senior consultant to design and implement hotel solutions while training 3 new Directors/Owners in Hotel Operations.
• Developed Business Development Plan and 5 year financial projections
• Reduced costs and increased safety by designing and implementing new Food and Beverage Management System (including HACCAP)
• Increased occupancy by developing and implementing new Marketing Plan 2005-2006
November 2003 – November 2004: Safety Management Consultant, Shangri-La Fijian Resort, Fiji – Senior consultant and designer contracted to design and implement a custom proprietary Shangri-La Watersports Safety Management System (SWSMS)
• Achieved safety target within time and under budget
• Implemented and trained 28 staff in Fiji’s first structured Watersports Safety program
July 2003 – November 2003: Business Management Consultant, Beqa Adventure Divers, Fiji – Contracted to develop the Business plan for a new dive centre as a specialist shark feeding operation
• Developed and implemented business plan and 5 year budget projection for dive centre within time and budget
Dr George Carter is a Research Fellow at the Department of Pacific Affairs at the Australian National University (ANU). He is also the Director for the ANU Pacific Institute a large network hub of scholars in the university - connecting and promoting Pacific research, teaching and training at the university.
The broad focus of George’s research interest explores Pacific island peoples’ and states influence and agency in international and regional politics. His research interests explore international politics of (negotiations, security, gender, finance, justice, science and traditional knowledge) climate change, geopolitics and regionalism(s), as well as the foreign policy and diplomacies of small island states in the Pacific. Furthermore, he is interested in indigenous philosophy and non-western international relations that focus on the longstanding history, practices, protocols and principles of Pacific political communities, contributing to Oceanic Diplomacy.
He has undertaken research in multilateral forums including climate change, security, ocean, sustainable development negotiations, as well as in regional organisations and national governments across the Pacific. George teaches university and executive courses in international relations, diplomacy, security, environment and climate change, policy, cultural communication, and Pacific studies.
His research and teaching interests are informed by his education, work experience in the Pacific and upbringing through his proud Samoan Tuvaluan, i-Kiribati, Chinese, British ancestry. He serves his family and communities in Samoa, where he holds the matai/chiefly title of Salā.
I Spend 9 years in a national government on the political, environment and climate change, governance and education sector space before venturing into new academic and professional challenges. In 2021 I was hired by a US based consulting and management firm Social Impact Inc. as their Data Lead in the evaluation of two US projects in the Pacific region - Climate Ready and ISSAC. Currently I was hired by UNDP as the Political & Parliamentary Project Coordinator Consultant for Kiribati Parliament.
Dynamic and dedicated professional with strong technical and policy background. Advanced qualifications (PhD) in environmental sciences, climate change & energy. Distinguished record in academia as a teacher, researcher and administrator. Extensive inter-governmental experience at international levels, in climate change. Over 20 years experience in climate change and related issues, mainly in Pacific but also worked in Africa and Asia. Public service experience, having worked for Governments of Australia, Fiji and Marshall Islands and international NGOs such as Independent Diplomat (ID). Considerable experience working for international organisations such as UNEP, ADB, regional organsations such as SPREP as climate change technical expert, and USP. Serves on the UNFCCC Roster of Experts. Extremely familiar with all issues in the UNFCCC climate negotiations. Extensive record of developing, managing, implementing and monitoring projects at national and global levels. Excels at working in a fast paced, multi-cultural environment and has excellent communication skills.