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Found 175 experts
  • Conduct assessments of knowledge systems, conduct advisory missions with the US-based endowment on knowledge management, future development, vision and strategic partnerships: New foundland government, IGA England and IGA Boston
    Review annual grant proposals for community health and development in northern Newfoundland and Labrador.
    Coach Junior Directors
    Conceive original concept and mandate; define audience for company products and services, promote technical vision and mandate among directors
    Design global knowledge management strategy on education, health and agriculture as technical advisor; providing leadership to four regional knowledge managers to implement the strategy
    - Build strategic partnerships: UN regional commissions, UNDP, UNEP, UNV, UNICEF, UNESCO, IDRC, ISDR, etc
    Mid-Term Evaluation Capacity Strengthening and Knowledge Management for Protected Areas Management
    Activities Performed: i) Undertook comprehensive Midterm Evaluation MTE of GEF/UNDP PA program and demonstration of PA learning and ecosystems management approach ii) Conducted in-depth consultations and focus group work with key stakeholders and government planning staff. iii) Compiled evidence to support management and governance positive changes to program; conducted assessment of knowledge and learning systems. iv) Critiqued the program me indicators and all changes incurred during implementation by project staff. Suggested new indicators. v) Delivered and presented report to multi-sector and institutional stakeholders
    Mid-Term Evaluation Capacity Strengthening and Knowledge Management for Institutions for Natural Resources Management
    Activities Performed: i) MTE of GEF/UNDP INRM program and demonstration of integrated ecosystems management and climate change adaptation approaches ii) Conducted consultations and focus group work with key stakeholders and government planning staff. iii) Compiled evidence to support management and governance positive changes to program including assessment of knowledge and learning systems. iv) Critiqued the programme indicators and all changes incurred during implementation by project staff. v) Delivered and presented report to multi-sector and institutional stakeholders
    Evidence, Coaching and Policy Research on South-South Cooperation (SSC) Principles
    Developed framework and conducted assessment of IBSA Trust Fund portfolio 11 projects at various stages of completion;
    Authored evidence-based policy/resource mobilization paper on the Trust Fund as good South-South Corporation with UN practice
    Terminal Evaluation Capacity Strengthening and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Land Management
    Activities Performed: i) Undertook comprehensive Midterm Evaluation MTE of GEF/UNDP environmental mainstreaming program and demonstration pilot sustainable ecosystems approach ii) Conducted in-depth consultations and focus group work with key stakeholders and government planning staff; conducted assessment of knowledge and learning systems. iii) Compiled evidence to support management and governance positive changes to program. iv) Critiqued the program me indicators and all changes incurred during implementation by project staff. Suggested new indicators. v) Delivered and presented report to multi-sector and institutional stakeholders
    Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy/Advisor/Author - Climate Resilient Infrastructure /Coastal Zone Development

    Conducted in-depth consultations and focus group work with key government and civil society stakeholders, UN and other partners, NGOs and Local Government and Engineering Staff; conducted assessment of knowledge and learning systems

    Compiled evidence to support inter-sectoral knowledge management and learning strategy and provided recommendations related institutional reforms for climate resilience infrastructure and coastal zone management
    Delivered and presented KM Strategy and Architecture for Climate Resilient Infrastructure to multi-sector and institutional stakeholders and inclusion into multidisciplinary Climate Change Resilience PPTA.
    Created a climate infrastructure learning network - documented and shared PA - KM activities
    Abyei Area Development Programme
    Activities Performed: i) Produced an inception report for UNDP Khartoum concerning delivery of the requirements outlined in the ToR and a detailed evaluation with an analytical response to all key components. ii) Used qualitative/quantitative techniques to obtain information; developed new indicators to assess project outcome. iii) Conducted field visits to rural offices, meeting with relevant staleholders; visited UNDP senior management, team leaders and program officers; consulted women, children and other marginalized groups and devised other means to measure progress, effect and impact. iv) Organized a debriefing session for UNDP staff, partners and collaborators; v) Re-developed UNDP’s programming strategy
    Study and Policy Paper - UNEPs Contribution to South South Cooperation- A Knowledge Management Approach
    Activities Performed: i) Conducted baseline research on UNEP’s role in promoting South-South cooperation on environmental capacity building; interviewed UNEP staff. ii) Authored relevant paper for UN-wide publication. iii) Authored related policy recommendation/paper on cooperation for staff
    Developing a National Knowledge Management Platform for Action on Disaster Risk Reduction
    Activities Performed: i) Coordinated development of a new national policy framework and 10-year action plan on disaster risk reduction. ii) Conducted community profiling exercise to establish baseline and set targets for support; designed and wrote proposals for strategic partnerships iii) Advocated support extension to implement national strategy on community-based DRR
    Instituting and Implementing a Global Knowledge Management Strategy for UNDP on Environmental Issues
    Activities Performed: i) Established first Energy and Environment Practice Network, managing network budget of $1/4 M. ii) Managed network and designed monitoring and evaluation plan. iii) Organized, recruited and managed network volunteers, two professional staff iv) Facilitated the Human Rights Knowledge Network – HURITALK (2001). v) Piloted regional/sub-regional support networks – Zambia, Mauritania, Senegal, Malaysia, Costa Rica, and Bratislava. vi) Provided environmental management policy and reported to country offices. vii) Participated in global water partnership technical meeting; conducted knowledge management needs assessment. Provided recommendations to senior management concerning GWP KM reforms
    UNDP Global Policy and Programme Support
    Activities Performed: i) Conducted Terminal Review of UNDP Global Programmes: UNCED (1992), WSSD (1995) and Partners in Development (1995). ii) Conducted research for 2 UNDP Global Poverty Reports (1999-2000). iii) Conducted a GEF Climate Change Portfolio Review – Africa Region (1998). iv) Conducted statistical analysis of UNDP sustainable livelihood programme. v) Researched and drafted policy statements vi) Conducted and statistically represented programme research (governance, poverty, HIV and AIDS, environment, gender)
    UNDP Support Programme in Indonesia
    Activities Performed: i) Located and interviewed policy experts; reviewed project/policy concepts; developed briefing materials; ii) Fostered strategic partnerships with the Ministry of Education and the Minister of Religious Affairs to develop programs and projects concerning expanding access and quality of education; leveraged resources from development partners and the international monetary institutions. iii) Researched/drafted educational policy statements; developed strategic partnership with UNICEF and UNESCO; coordinated UN input for the conference ‘Education for All – Nine Most Populous Countries’. iv) Monitored/developed projects: environment, energy, women, education issues. v) Backstopped three gender projects on behalf of UNIFEM

  • Technical Expert/Technical Advisor for the Department of Industry
    Partner/Director for Equilibrium, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Founder/Director for Reclimate, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Business Development Manager/Company Secretary for Easy Being Green, Melbourne, Victoria, Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Business Development Manager/Company Secretary for HLA Envirosciences, Melbourne, Victoria, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
    Countries of Work Experience: Australia

  • Member - Global Development Professionals
    Member - SEA Change Community of Practice (M&E in climate change)
    Member - Adaptability Climate Adaptation Network
    Member - Climate Change Professionals Network
    Member - Climate- Evaluation of climate change and development)
    In this position I worked with country offices across the global south (mainly focused on the Asia-Pacific) to address the risks climate change poses to key thematic and sectoral programming. My responsibilities included providing technical advice for the development, implementation and monitoring of climate change programs as well as integrating climate
    risk and resilience building into sector-based programs. I also provided policy advice and authored academic and popular publications advocating for a child-centred rights-based approach to climate change adaptation. I was also the global lead on climate change for Save the Children International’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
    Working Group and a member of the International Organizing Committee for the annual International Conference on community based Climate Change Adaptation. My role included a substantial research component including drafting and publication of research papers and keeping abreast of the latest in science and social research on climate change and development.
    Selected Projects/outputs are listed below:
    Designed a 2.5 year, $3 million multi-agency community based adaptation project in Vietnam which was successful in a global AusAID funded project window
    Developed a multi-year proposal to integrate climate change adaptation into children's club in Bangladesh which was successful in attracting AusAID funding
    Designed a multi-country research project on child-centred climate change adaptation in Asian cities which received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation
    Developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for a large community based adaptation project in Vietnam
    Developed a results framework for Save the Children International Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2012-2015
    Reviewed project proposals for a range of donors (AusAID, DFID, EU, USAID) to ensure climate change risks and resilience were adequately addressed
    Reviewed country and regional strategies and provided advice on integrating climate risk
    Drafted save the children Australia's program environment management system to help program staff address environment and climate and disaster) risks and safeguards in sectoral programming
    Developed a climate change and adaptation training program and implemented it across 10 country offices
    I co-managed the Australian Government's $328 million, five year International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. I worked with country and regional program areas to develop and implement activities to help vulnerable communities in the Asia Pacific and beyond enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change. this role had a strong focus on small island developing states and least developed countries with a particular emphasis on integration, adaptation and disaster risk reduction into AusAID-funded activities in the Pacific.

  • • Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
    • Associate member, Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability
    • Green Building Council of Australia Green Star accredited assessor
    • NABERS accredited assessor
    • RIMT University, Life Cycle Assessment
    • Swinburne University, Carbon Management
    Assisting the South Australia Local Government Association to evaluate the barriers and enablers over the integration of climate change considerations in council decision making processes
    Assessing the appropriateness of the priorities of an environmental fund against long term sustainability commitments and international policy trends

  • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
    Associate Director - Climate Change Policy Report
    Provide a financial response to climate change: Risk apportionment in the insurance sector
    Westpac’s business sustainability and strategy
    Carbon Assurance
    Climate Change Strategy for Global Mining Company
    Carbon pricing mechanism advisory
    Commercial Implications of a price on carbon
    Citigroup Australia Audit Manager
    Alinta Energy Financial Controller
    KPMG’s global training on sustainability assurance

  • Member of the Chartered Chemist, Royal Society of Chemistry
    University of Leeds Research Fellow - Conducted research into the chemistry of atmospheric pollution resulting from power generation through the use of electron accelerators and complex reaction modelling
    Principal Consultant for Entec UK Ltd, Northwick, Cheshire, UK
    Director for Environmental Intelligence Limited, Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
    Countries of Work Experience: Australia and United Kingdom
    Corporate strategy: Emission reduction target for global airline
    Enhancing assurance capability: New reporting method for open cut coal mining
    Financial risk management: Carbon trading risks and opportunities
    Climate change impacts: Risk to food security in Australia for a large food company
    Climate adaptation strategy for the Nottinghamshire County Council
    Analysis of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme in its first year of operation
    Carbon mitigation strategy for the UK Water Utility Sector
    Design and development of the EU ETS New Entrant Reserve
    Design and operation of a simulation of an emission trading market that allowed 14 UK companies to practice their trading strategies in advance of the UK ETS in 2002

  • Member of the Environment Institute of Australia
    Associate Director and Adaptation Subject Matter Expert in;
    • International pension fund climate change risk assessment
    • Risk apportionment in the insurance sector
    • Green Cross Australia’s Business Adaptation Network
    • City of Sydney Climate Change Risk Assessment
    • State Government Department Climate Change Program

    Manager for United Energy Climate Risk and Resilience Assessment, Energy networks Association National Climate Risk and Resilience Guidance Manual, Development of Climate Vulnerability Criteria for Ausgrid power stations
    Manage Climate risk assessment for investment management and retirement living property portfolio in Australian and New Zealand for Lend Lease
    Manage Infrastructure Interdependencies and Business-Level Impacts thought leadership paper for the Climate Institute
    Investa Property climate risk assessment for office and residential portfolios
    Manage Climate risk assessment for Stockland’s national property portfolio, Climate risk analysis for Mirvac Limited covering investment, development and hotel portfolios in Australian and New Zealand
    Development of national community resilience guidelines for developers for Green Cross Australia
    Climate vulnerability assessment of the Barwon South West region in Victoria
    Climate risk assessment for Hornsby Shire Council’s operations and services
    Development and delivery of a national climate adaptation training course targeted for the Australian rail sector
    Project Manager for the Community sustainable indicators program
    Research collaboration with the City of Cebu, Philippines and the City of Fukuoka, Japan on climate change initiatives
    Managed Implementation of Australia’s largest local government energy performance contract
    Implementation of Australia’s first trigeneration system.