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Found 75 experts
  • Member - Global Development Professionals
    Member - SEA Change Community of Practice (M&E in climate change)
    Member - Adaptability Climate Adaptation Network
    Member - Climate Change Professionals Network
    Member - Climate- Evaluation of climate change and development)
    In this position I worked with country offices across the global south (mainly focused on the Asia-Pacific) to address the risks climate change poses to key thematic and sectoral programming. My responsibilities included providing technical advice for the development, implementation and monitoring of climate change programs as well as integrating climate
    risk and resilience building into sector-based programs. I also provided policy advice and authored academic and popular publications advocating for a child-centred rights-based approach to climate change adaptation. I was also the global lead on climate change for Save the Children International’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
    Working Group and a member of the International Organizing Committee for the annual International Conference on community based Climate Change Adaptation. My role included a substantial research component including drafting and publication of research papers and keeping abreast of the latest in science and social research on climate change and development.
    Selected Projects/outputs are listed below:
    Designed a 2.5 year, $3 million multi-agency community based adaptation project in Vietnam which was successful in a global AusAID funded project window
    Developed a multi-year proposal to integrate climate change adaptation into children's club in Bangladesh which was successful in attracting AusAID funding
    Designed a multi-country research project on child-centred climate change adaptation in Asian cities which received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation
    Developed a monitoring and evaluation framework for a large community based adaptation project in Vietnam
    Developed a results framework for Save the Children International Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2012-2015
    Reviewed project proposals for a range of donors (AusAID, DFID, EU, USAID) to ensure climate change risks and resilience were adequately addressed
    Reviewed country and regional strategies and provided advice on integrating climate risk
    Drafted save the children Australia's program environment management system to help program staff address environment and climate and disaster) risks and safeguards in sectoral programming
    Developed a climate change and adaptation training program and implemented it across 10 country offices
    I co-managed the Australian Government's $328 million, five year International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. I worked with country and regional program areas to develop and implement activities to help vulnerable communities in the Asia Pacific and beyond enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change. this role had a strong focus on small island developing states and least developed countries with a particular emphasis on integration, adaptation and disaster risk reduction into AusAID-funded activities in the Pacific.

  • • Member, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
    • Associate member, Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability
    • Green Building Council of Australia Green Star accredited assessor
    • NABERS accredited assessor
    • RIMT University, Life Cycle Assessment
    • Swinburne University, Carbon Management
    Assisting the South Australia Local Government Association to evaluate the barriers and enablers over the integration of climate change considerations in council decision making processes
    Assessing the appropriateness of the priorities of an environmental fund against long term sustainability commitments and international policy trends

  • Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
    Associate Director - Climate Change Policy Report
    Provide a financial response to climate change: Risk apportionment in the insurance sector
    Westpac’s business sustainability and strategy
    Carbon Assurance
    Climate Change Strategy for Global Mining Company
    Carbon pricing mechanism advisory
    Commercial Implications of a price on carbon
    Citigroup Australia Audit Manager
    Alinta Energy Financial Controller
    KPMG’s global training on sustainability assurance