Paula Holland manages the Natural Resource Economics and Governance programme at the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). As well as overseeing and conducting economic analyses such as cost benefit analyses, economic valuations and costings, she conducts capacity building work in natural resource economics and designs projects and proposals. Paula has been a natural resource economist for over 20 years and has experience in applying economic analysis to a variety of sectors including fisheries, waste management, natural hazards, climate change adaptation and conservation. She has conducted research in the economic dimensions of natural resource policy in the Pacific, Australia and northern Europe, in national, international and academic institutions. She has a Master of Science in Rural Resources and Environmental Policy (Imperial College) and an Honours degree in Economics and Geography specialising in resource economics.
Senior management experience working in international and regional institutions in the Pacific: Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (Coordinator/Legal Adviser); United National Development Programme-GEF Unit Asia-Pacific (Regional Technical Adviser- Pacific and Timor Leste); Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency(Director Operations). Secretariat Pacific Community (Climate Change Adviser), Pilot Program Climate Resilience- Regional Track Pacific (Team Leader/Program Manager); Provision of high level policy advice to leaders and senior government officials of Pacific island countries on environmental and natural resource issues of importance to Pacific at international, regional and national settings. In particular the effective integration of environmental and sustainable development considerations into national development planning and decision processes; Over 15 years management experience with expertise in strategic planning and implementation of programmes; preparation of annual work plans and budgets, staff management, organizational review and change; Formulation, development, implementation support and monitoring of projects for the Global Environment Fund, United Nations Environment Programme, European Union, ADB, World Bank, Australia, Canada and New Zealand; Experienced in Partnership building and resource mobilization; Excellent communication skills and success at managing personnel from different cultures and backgrounds in challenging and competitive environments; Responsible for driving the development and finalisation of The Pacific Islands Regional Framework on Climate Change 2006-2015 (endorsed by Pacific Island leaders in 2006) and the Regional Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Strategy 2010-2015 (endorsed Pacific Island Fisheries Ministers May 2010). The importance of effective integration of environmental and sustainable development considerations national development planning is recognised in both strategic frameworks as well as the Pacific Plan endorsed by Forum Island leaders; Technical Consultant for Asia Development Bank and co-drafter of the Planning Urban Management Act, Samoa 2004; Experienced in advocacy, legal drafting, litigation, drafting ministerial and official interventions, preparations of briefs.
Work with the Yap State Marine Resource Management Division to design, implement, and monitor projects that are related to both the exploitation and conservation of marine resources. Most projects aim to build the capacity of government agency personnel, community-based organizations, and coastal communities to manage their coastal resources. Projects related to climate change are mostly aimed at improving food security; such as aquaculture and alternatives to reef fishing in conjunction with the establishment of more protected areas.
Over 20 years’ experience working on climate change and disaster risk reduction issues with communities, governments and international entities. Much of my work focused on building the capacities and capabilities to address adverse impacts of climate change and disaster risk reduction issues at the national, regional and international levels and in assisting countries mobilise financial, technical and human resources to implement and manage climate change activities, projects and programmes.
I have particular experience in conducting stakeholder consultations with villages/ communities, national governments and with international community organisations. I have especial skill/know-how in preparing technical and policy documents and reports relating to climate change issues and concerns. I have assisted Pacific islands countries in developing project proposals for funding and implementation of projects including Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme, national communications, national adaptation programmes of action, vulnerability and adaptation assessment, national and regional adaptation and disaster risk reduction projects, adaptation policies and/or strategies (see CV attached).
I also have experience in developing a policy and/or a policy framework such as NAPA, International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative, Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience, and Strategic Programme on Climate Resilience, Pacific Adaptation Strategies Assistance Programme, national and regional Global Climate Change Alliance programmes on adaptation and based on stakeholder engagement/consultations.
I have a good knowledge and high level of familiarity and understandings of the Pacific small island developing states government system having lived in and worked in and for the region for more than three decades. Additionally I have undertaken mentoring work with various experts with each of the countries through capacity building and training on various aspects of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. I have a have a good command of English (oral and written) and a good level of understanding of some of the local languages.
I have the necessary track record of achievements, experience and skills to provide scientific and technical assistance and policy guidance to the Pacific SIDS. and others on climate change activities, projects and programmes.
The consultant's key fields of expertise include Environmental Management (Env Mgt Sys, Env Audit, EIA, SEA), Sustainable Development, Climate Change (Adaptation, Mitigation, Science, Policy), Community Waste Management, Community Based Adaptation, Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Proficient project management and project performance management skills that include practitioner skills in project management in controlled environments; skills in concept, grant and full project and funding proposal writing, climate financing proposal writing, design, work planning and budgeting. Skilled in project appraisal of project aspects such as costs, timescales, quality, scope, risk and benefits; deliver of quality project products, monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Offers training and workshops on V&A Assessments that include technical and community-based tools and frameworks, socio-economic assessments, lessons learned, results-based management, survey design and implementation, M&E design and implementation, gender & climate change. Range of working experiences at different levels of development intervention - international and regional (negotiations, policy, advocacy, lobbying, media campaigns and presentation, knowledge management); regional and national (project management, policy, science, gender, adaptation, mitigation, media campaigns, public awareness) and community (CBA, EbA, V&A, negotiations, training, gender mainstreaming level, implementation, negotiation skills on climate change, waste management, attitude and behavioral change campaigning). Have on-the-ground and field experiences in 14 Pacific Island communities, particularly in Palau, Marshall Islands, Fiji, Niue, Cook Islands, and Papua New Guinea. Sector expertise areas of climate change adaptation activities and results in integrated coastal zone management, water resources management (specializing in low-lying atolls), food security, food production, agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, tourism and health.
Dr. Bartlett has been living and working in Melanesia since 2002, currently as Knowledge Manager for the Australia-Pacific Climate Partnership. His extensive work with communities, civil society, private sector and governments in the Pacific have shaped his current action research interests. These include innovative and science-based solutions and strategies for dealing with change in the Pacific, including climate change. After his PhD at James Cook University, he joined Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom's lab at Indiana University to investigate the emergence of networks of community-based MPAs and taboos. Dr. Bartlett resides in Port Vila, Vanuatu and makes frequent consulting, speaking and training trips around the world.
Principal partner of auditing and accounting firm: Suá ma Pauga & Associates. Firm won the Gold Star Award on Quality Service. A Chartered Accountant for both New Zealand and Samoan Institute of Chartered Accountants. Working experience in finance, accounting and auditing, research, loan and credit facilities, financial specialist on educational system, climate change, budgeting, financial and business analysis, report writing and survey consultants - in Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand. Finance/Economics Consultant for ADB/Government of Samoa in Education Sector Project II. Lecturer in University on Government Accounting, Finance and Accountancy, and Head of Departments and providers of various workshops on finance, budgeting, and financial reporting.
A sustainability generalist, with wide ranging skills, knowledge and experience to bring in solving complex problems. Over 12 years experience in the environmental management sector, including government, private industry and the education sector. Experience working across the Pacific Islands delivering training in project design and proposal preparation. Project design, management, implementation and evaluation experience. Experienced trainer and facilitator.
Knowledge and understanding of social, cultural, economic and environmental dimensions of natural resource management (marine & terrestrial) and sustainability, with a focus on community change and adaptation. Extensive practical experience in government and industry, including liaising with community groups and stakeholders, conducting surveys, and report writing. Experienced integrative team player with strong relationship building skills, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, prioritization and multi-tasking abilities, and an ability to operate autonomously.
Lisa is a manager within KPMG’s Climate Change and Sustainability practice. She as over fourteen years experience quantifying and developing solutions to mitigate the impacts from climate change and sustainability. As a civil engineer specialising in climate change and sustainability, Lisa has worked with asset owners to determine how they are best positioned to respond to the impacts of climate change. She has extensive experience interpreting climate models and has worked closely with CSIRO to run specific climate models for clients. She applies her knowledge to understand and consider the risks and uncertainty of climate change to guide and inform decision making for business and government. She has worked across the major infrastructure phases, design, construction and operation, and assets, from buildings, roads, mines, water, costal settlements, electricity to rail. She has practical design and construction experience, which she has applied to develop design solutions to mitigate the short and long term risks posed by climate change. Lisa knows how to evaluate the costs and benefits of adaptation to determine the most optimal adaptation solution (i.e. optimising investment decisions).
Key skills: providing strategic, targeted knowledge network, evaluation and technical services to international environmental and development programs and institutional capacities. Thematic interests and work experience: project design, implementation and results based monitoring: child rights, disability mainstreaming in UN funds and programs, inclusive education sector planning, biodiversity strategic planning, disaster risk reduction , climate change and resilience, natural resources and protected area management, ecosystem services and environmental science. Policy and bottleneck analysis and implementation problem resolution including work in environment sectors, poverty alleviation and education, improved service delivery and transparent government initiatives. Advocacy interests focusing on one UN programming, education for sustainable development, education systems and planning, climate change adaptation, emergencies, disaster risk reduction and resilience. Communication: training and education experience, including organizing and leading workshops. Research: data analysis, writing/editing materials for a wide variety of audiences and preparing content for websites.
Countries of Work Experience: Fiji & Kiribati
Community rep/trainer and advisor: Fiji Locally Managed Marine Areas (FLMMA)
Programme Advisor: Fiji YWCA
Projects Advisor: Lomaiviti Environment Committee/Nabuna Youth Club/Sawana Youth Club
Fiji Financial Literacy Network (Certified Trainer-NCSMED)
Women in Business (Fiji)
Fiji Women's Rights Movement (FWRM)
Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni (ELFA Fiji)
Professional Associate and Alumni member for East West Center
International Pacific Marine Educators Network (IPMEN)
Facilitator for Capacity for Peace and Development (UNDP)
Socio-Economic Officer (October 2005-June 2007)
Sustainable Livelihoods Officer (July 2007-June 2008)
Programme Projects Officer (July 2008-June 2009)
Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme Field Coordinator (July 09-April 10)
Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme Coordinator (May 10-to date)
Sustainable Coastal Resource Use Management Programme Coordinator (January 2012-June 2013)
Environmental strategy and policy, specializing in climate change and community development; Project management, M&E, O&M programming, training manual and
module development; Sustainable development tools & frameworks: EMS, SEIA, EIA, ISO; “Triple bottom line” assessments and reporting (social, environmental
and economic factors); Occupational Health, Safety, Security and Quality Assurance