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Found 175 experts
  • Climate Change Finance Adviser (acting)
    Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

    I have professional experience in climate change finance work in the Pacific Islands region in ensuring the vulnerable Pacific Island Countries (PICs) enhance their access to, and management of, international climate finance. In addition I also possess skills and expertise in aspects of UNFCCC negotiations and training for PICs , rural development, climate change policy, coordination and advisory support on mitigation, adaptation and financing, wastewater management, water quality, coastal pollution, conservation and biodiversity, environmental policy and planning & fisheries management.

    I have specialised trainings in basic leadership skills, climate change policy, climate change financing and negotiations in the UNFCCC, wastewater management, fisheries management, conservation and environmental management & natural resource policy and planning.

  • Director
    4Ts Consult

    Over 12 years total experience in Pacific island project management and implementation in the areas of environmental information, knowledge management and clearinghouse mechanisms. 9 years in consultancy work with consultant expanding her coverage to Results-based corporate planning; Monitoring & Evaluation; Organisational Review; Community assessments; climate resilience policy and institutional review; project and program designing and proposal writing for several clients in Samoa and the Pacific. Drafted, designed and implemented the 1st ever Pacific Island owned Rapid Response Fund and Regional Technical Support Mechanism - funded by ADB and administered by SPREP under the guidance of the Working Arm of the CROP Executives SubCommittee on Climate Change & Disaster Resilient Development (WARD). Launched in July 2014 by the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders, the RTSM and RRF is hosted within the SPREP and services 14 ADB Developing Member Countries (DMCs)

  • Fifteen years of experience with environmental assessment and planning, sustainable development and climate change in government, inter-government, non-government and academic organisations. Extensive knowledge of the agricultural, mining, energy and tourism sectors. Examples of work and project experience: incorporated climate change and disaster risk management considerations in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidelines and EIA training courses for Pacific Island countries; audited the energy and water consumption of mainstream and eco-tourism operators in Queensland, Australia; developed a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions for the Australian tourist accommodation sector; identified mechanisms for building social-ecological resilience in tropical savanna landscapes; developed environmental research and management recommendations for seabed mining in northern Australia; authored the Darwin Harbour Water Quality Protection Plan (Australia).

  • Over 30 years of broad ranging experience in the water & sewerage industry covering capital works planning and budgeting, infrastructure design & construction, operation & maintenance, water resource investigation & development and billing activities.

  • Dynamic and dedicated professional with strong technical and policy background. Advanced qualifications (PhD) in environmental sciences, climate change & energy. Distinguished record in academia as a teacher, researcher and administrator. Extensive inter-governmental experience at international levels, in climate change. Over 20 years experience in climate change and related issues, mainly in Pacific but also worked in Africa and Asia. Public service experience, having worked for Governments of Australia, Fiji and Marshall Islands and international NGOs such as Independent Diplomat (ID). Considerable experience working for international organisations such as UNEP, ADB, regional organsations such as SPREP as climate change technical expert, and USP. Serves on the UNFCCC Roster of Experts. Extremely familiar with all issues in the UNFCCC climate negotiations. Extensive record of developing, managing, implementing and monitoring projects at national and global levels. Excels at working in a fast paced, multi-cultural environment and has excellent communication skills.

  • I'm a trained Environment & Climate Change Adaptation Practitioner/Specialist with over 10 years of practice and consultancy experiences. Provided technical advice to Governments of Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu on policy changes, marine resource use, climate change. Area of expertise includes; policy analysis, environment management systems, V&A, M&E, mainstreaming climate change adaptation interventions into planning processes, MPA, community engagement and workshop facilitation. Authored book on, Climate Change Adaptation and the Coastal Zone of S.Tarawa (2014), "Kiribati: the inter-linkages and the array of adaptation barriers and limits". Co-authored the "Kiribati Second National Communication Report to the UNFCCC" (2013) and other technical reports.

  • Barbara is a climate change and disaster risk reduction specialist with more than 16 years of direct professional in-the-field experience. She has provides advisory services in policy and program development, program and project evaluation, training and capacity building, to national and local government agencies and international and regional organizations, including the United Nations system and NGOs with focus on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation for resilient development, food security, gender, policy leadership and advocacy. She is specialised in programmes aiming at climate change and disaster risk reduction mainstreaming into national and sector response policies, strategies and plans.

    She has used multi-stakeholder participatory approaches in Pacific countries and has proven hands-on expertise in-the-field. She worked with government and beneficiary institutions to formulate policies and implement programmes. She was responsible for the formulation of national policies, vulnerability assessment, gender, disaster risk reduction and natural hazards prevention and mitigation through the promotion of long-term strategies to adaptation planning for effective aid delivery at national and regional level. In her work she has developed funding recommendation, strategic positioning, partnership and recommended doable and realistic implementation plans, including timelines, costing and roles and responsibilities.

    She holds a Master’s Degree in Global Environmental Protection and International Policies and is an active member of the Pacific Infrastructure Advisory Centre and Adaptation Learning mechanism as well as the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery East Asia and the Pacific Disaster Knowledge Network. Barbara is serving on United Nations Women National Committee Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • I have been working with the Climate Investment Funds Admin. Unit to develop M&R tools for three of the four funds, PPCR, CTF and SREP. I have worked for the World Bank with the governments of Zambia and Samoa to develop national M&R systems for the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience.
    Global experience in performance monitoring, evaluation and analysis of social development. Strong background in strategic management design, planning and implementation multi-sectoral development projects. Considerable experience in adult education specifically in strategic development planning and performance monitoring, appropriate technologies, PC management and software use.

  • Dr. Jami Bartgis completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Oklahoma State University and predoctoral internship at the University of South Florida, Florida Mental Health Institute. She is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and has spent her career working for both tribal and urban American Indian (AKA, Native American) communities. Dr. Bartgis is currently the President and CEO of One Fire Associates, LLC, a research and evaluation firm dedicated to community-based and participatory projects with underserved and disenfranchised populations. In her previous position as the Director of Technical Assistance and Research at the National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) in Washington DC; Dr. Bartgis provided technical assistance, research support, and capacity building for urban Indian health clinics and programs across the United States to improve the quality and accessibility of health care for American Indian and Alaska Native people living in urban areas. Highlights of her previous work include the development, implementation and evaluation of children’s health systems; a range of community-based and participatory projects to advance health and environmental knowledge, policy and practice; and the honor of working with countless American Indian youth and families as a clinical service provider, community-based researcher/evaluator, and in the development and advocacy of health service systems for her community.

  • An in-depth knowledge and extensive experience of environment and development issues, including technical assistance and capacity building projects in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia and the Pacific. During my work in 59 countries, I have demonstrated a strong commitment to the use of participatory planning and evaluation methodologies at the national and community levels, including local and national sustainable development planning and evaluation. My analytical skills include highly developed policy analysis skills with experience of integrated approaches to a wide range of issues including governance, environment, natural resource management, disaster risk management, climate change, livelihoods, resilience building, community development and social policy. In my work over the last 40 years, I have shown an ability to assess complex situations in order to succinctly and clearly distil critical issues and draw forward looking conclusions, identifying practical lessons for practical application and policy development.

  • GIS and Data Management
    Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative @ Pacific Islands Climate Science Center

    Patrick Grady is a highly qualified Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyst with 15+ years of experience within the GIS, Remote Sensing (RS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) fields. A broad spectrum of project experience ranging from climate change, renewable and conventional energy utilities, environmental, natural resource management, threatened species, wildfire and ecological modeling and analysis has provided me a well rounded skill set. These experiences within both the public and private sectors make me a fully qualified and ideal candidate for a wide variety of positions within the Geospatial industry. My experiences working for multiple agencies within these vastly different sectors has provided me with an extremely solid and diversified background working with data in a variety of formats, projections and file types while adhering to individual agency standards. Through these experiences I have developed a unique skill set focused on the entire life cycle of geospatial data. This diverse skill set involves an in depth process which includes design and development of GPS data dictionaries, field survey data collection, data processing, analysis, management, serving, maintenance and archiving. Data development and progression also involves software, hardware and data structure compatibility as well as coordination of research and development of alternative or superior data analyses, inventories, techniques and protocols. My distinct career has given me the opportunity to develop the ability to efficiently oversee and manage project funding, internal and external staff, in house applications, staff training, technical support and trouble shooting tasks and knowledge transfer through such mediums as websites, newsletters and list services.

  • With over 16 years of experience in sustainable energy development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation, my work focuses on increasing energy access, improving livelihood, and building resilience of vulnerable communities in developing countries. I have provided services to donors and development agencies; including IFAD, Sida, UNESCO, UNEP and USAID; both being part of an organization as well as independently. I have been extensively involved in understanding the needs of developing countries of Asia in relation to improving access to energy supply and resilience to climate change; and developing innovative solutions to address those needs in ways that are appropriate to local contexts. Areas of my expertise are:

    • Climate Change Adaptation: Adaptive capacity for municipalities; community based adaptation planning; and climate vulnerability assessment.
    • Climate change mitigation: Strategies for low carbon development, sustainable waste management, sustainable city planning, and Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Sustainable energy: Energy access through renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency in buildings and facilities, and policy analysis for cleaner technologies in SMEs.