Project Management Work for World Bank and UNDP in the areas of climate change adaptation, health and food security at the national and regional level. Meteorologists by profession with more than 20 years of GIS experience. Strong interest in International and regional conventions in relation to climate change and environment in general. Sectors of interest and involvement includes environment, health, agriculture and food security, disaster and risk reduction management, infrastructure, information and data management, parliamentary institutional strengthening etc. Had worked with other donors like AusAid, NZ Aid, ADB, Government of Italy, UNEP, FAO in particular.
Lisa is a manager within KPMG’s Climate Change and Sustainability practice. She as over fourteen years experience quantifying and developing solutions to mitigate the impacts from climate change and sustainability. As a civil engineer specialising in climate change and sustainability, Lisa has worked with asset owners to determine how they are best positioned to respond to the impacts of climate change. She has extensive experience interpreting climate models and has worked closely with CSIRO to run specific climate models for clients. She applies her knowledge to understand and consider the risks and uncertainty of climate change to guide and inform decision making for business and government. She has worked across the major infrastructure phases, design, construction and operation, and assets, from buildings, roads, mines, water, costal settlements, electricity to rail. She has practical design and construction experience, which she has applied to develop design solutions to mitigate the short and long term risks posed by climate change. Lisa knows how to evaluate the costs and benefits of adaptation to determine the most optimal adaptation solution (i.e. optimising investment decisions).
Key skills: providing strategic, targeted knowledge network, evaluation and technical services to international environmental and development programs and institutional capacities. Thematic interests and work experience: project design, implementation and results based monitoring: child rights, disability mainstreaming in UN funds and programs, inclusive education sector planning, biodiversity strategic planning, disaster risk reduction , climate change and resilience, natural resources and protected area management, ecosystem services and environmental science. Policy and bottleneck analysis and implementation problem resolution including work in environment sectors, poverty alleviation and education, improved service delivery and transparent government initiatives. Advocacy interests focusing on one UN programming, education for sustainable development, education systems and planning, climate change adaptation, emergencies, disaster risk reduction and resilience. Communication: training and education experience, including organizing and leading workshops. Research: data analysis, writing/editing materials for a wide variety of audiences and preparing content for websites.
Countries of Work Experience: Fiji & Kiribati
Community rep/trainer and advisor: Fiji Locally Managed Marine Areas (FLMMA)
Programme Advisor: Fiji YWCA
Projects Advisor: Lomaiviti Environment Committee/Nabuna Youth Club/Sawana Youth Club
Fiji Financial Literacy Network (Certified Trainer-NCSMED)
Women in Business (Fiji)
Fiji Women's Rights Movement (FWRM)
Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni (ELFA Fiji)
Professional Associate and Alumni member for East West Center
International Pacific Marine Educators Network (IPMEN)
Facilitator for Capacity for Peace and Development (UNDP)
Socio-Economic Officer (October 2005-June 2007)
Sustainable Livelihoods Officer (July 2007-June 2008)
Programme Projects Officer (July 2008-June 2009)
Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme Field Coordinator (July 09-April 10)
Coastal Management and Inshore Fisheries Programme Coordinator (May 10-to date)
Sustainable Coastal Resource Use Management Programme Coordinator (January 2012-June 2013)
US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Certification
State of Michigan Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Certification
Storm Water Management Program Certification
Advanced Topics in Geographic Information System (GIS) Certification
Countries of Work Experience: USA, Republic of Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands
Principal - Roles and Experience:
2013-2014: RMI, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 8306 RMI - Ebeye Water and Sanitation Project
2011-2012: Palau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 42439-01 PAL - Palau Sanitation Sector Development Project
2010-2011: Palau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No. 7394-REG - Strengthening the Capacity of DMCs to Respond to Climate Change
2008-2009: Paulau, Environmental Specialist, ADB TA No.4977-PAL - Babeldaob Water Supply Project
2001-2007: Palau, Environmental Manager, Palau Compact Road, National Highway Project, US Army Corps of Engineers
Member - Australian Institute of Emergency Services
Member – National Competency Standards for Emergency Management
Member – Development Team (Understanding Emergency Risk Management Training Course
Qualified Trainer and Assessor in Disaster Management
(Certificate IV Workplace Training (Category Two))
Manage the response to the 2010-2011 flooding and cyclones
Manage the response during the flooding of the State Capital, Brisbane
Manage response to Cyclone Yasi and major flooding in South West Queensland in 2012
Establish a consulting business to provide response services to national, state and local governments, business and industry, agencies and community groups involved in disaster/emergency management
Establish comprehensive disaster risk management programming including risk management and mitigation strategies
Wrote guidelines for risk management in the Pacific Island Countries
Comprehensive Hazard and Risk Management (CHARM) guidelines were adopted in the region by the various Island nations
Drafted the Queensland Guidelines for Cyclone Shelter Operations which included his findings from the USA and the experience he gained while managing the flooding and cyclones across Queensland in 2010 to 2012
Building resilience to disaster in the community, economy, infrastructure and the environment
Implement risk studies leading to Risk Management Planning and Mitigation Planning across Queensland and the Pacific Island Countries
Provide operational advice ranging from standard operating procedures to whole of government multi-agency response
Knowledge and Management Specialist
Climate Financing Specialist
Disaster Relief/Management Specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialist
Economist [Cost-Benefit Analysis of CC]
Director at the Solomon Islands Financial Intelligence Unit
Community Trainer Specialist
Capacity Building Specialist
Credit Control Supervisor at National Bank of Solomon Islands
Manager Finance at DIDAO Development, Solomon Islands
Countries of Work Experience: Solomon Islands
Member of Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ), Member of Association for Sustainability in Business (ASB), Member of International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)
Senior Consultant - Sustainability and Climate Change, RPS Manidis Roberts, Sydney Australia; Key responsibility - focuses on building climate resilience and providing climate adaptation solutions for complex projects across a range of industries and sectors
Senior Consultant - Sustainability and Climate Change, Arup Pty Ltd, Brisbane Australia
Sustainability Manager of Gallions Housing Association, London
Community Trainer Specialist
Capacity Building Specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialist
Countries of Work Experience: Australia, England, Thailand
Key responsibilities of my position with RPS include: 1. ?The development and delivery of innovative and practical projects focused on building climate resilience and providing climate adaptation solutions for complex projects across a range of industries and sectors 2. ?The autonomous and competent management of projects featuring multi-disciplinary teams to deliver timely and effective project solutions. 3. Business development and project generation. 4. Management, guidance and mentoring of junior staff, demonstrating effective delegation and resource management skils
Whilst employed by Arup key duties of the position included: 1. ?The development and delivery of innovative and practical sustainability and climate change solutions for complex projects across a range of industries and sectors 2. The autonomous and competent management of projects featuring multi-disciplinary teams to deliver timely and effective project solutions 3. Management, guidance and mentoring of junior staff, demonstrating effective delegation and resource management skills ??Regular presentation and contribution to conferences, seminars, forums and industry journals. Example: panellist at the 2013 National Business Leaders Forum on Sustainable Development; presenter at the 2012 Australian Conference on Sustainability in Business 4. Between 2008 – 2012 Rebecca also lead the corporate sustainability approach for Arup’s Australasia region.
Whilst employed by Gallions Housing Association, key responsibilities were: 1. ?To act as the central point of contact for all issues related to environmental sustainability 2. Provide advice on relevant policy, legislation and technological progresses both in the UK and internationally to enable Gallions to meet its objective of being a sustainable social housing and sustainable urban renewal pioneer 3. ?Lead the inclusion of sustainability initiatives across all new projects including the completion of environmental assessments on new schemes as a licensed BREEAM Ecohomes /Code for Sustainable Homes Assessor
GRI Stakeholder Council Oceania (Vice Chair) GRI Focal Point Australia (Chair) Environment Institute of Australia and New Zeenaland (EIANZ) Association for Sustainability in Business (ASB) International Association for Public Participation (IAP2 The Total Environment Centre – Board member The Climate Institute – Climate Partner Green Cross Australia – Business Adaptation Network Infrastructure Sustainability Council Australia – Founding member Asian Pacific Network for Climate Adaptation
Director - Environment Policy of Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) Sydney, Australia; key negotiator to provide policy advice to the Minister of Climate
Executive Director - Environment at Hornsby Shire Council, Hornsby Australia
Senior Researcher, Sustainability at Institute for Sustainable Futures, ISF, Sydney Australia
Legal Specialist (Climate Change/Environmental Law/MEAs)
Community Development Specialist
Proposal Writing
Community Trainer Specialist
Capacity building specialist
Environmental and social safeguards specialists
Countries of Work Experience: Australia, New Zealand USA Canada England Europe Union countries Japan South East Asia Pacific India Africa Brazil
Senior Executive -Sustainability and Climate Change at RPS Group. Worked with leading international and Australian organisations on a host of climate risk strategies. Role was to help clients understand the exposure, adaptive capacity and sensitivity of assets, operations, services, suppliers and communities to climate risks and to assist them in proactively improving their planning and preparedness. Role included providing training and mentoring in climate and sustainability across the private and public sector. Board member and Vice Chair of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Stakeholder Council for over six years representing Oceania – collaborating on corporate social responsibility (CSR) with governments, international agencies and leading companies across the globe. Chair of GRI Focal Point Australia over that same period. Member of the Asia Pacific Network for climate adaptation.
Responsible for managing a service line of 50 plus professional staff globally who provide sustainability services. Stella provided services to many of Australia’s top 100 companies on their sustainability performance and services; this work has included corporate social responsibility work. Stella lead consultancy advice to major public and private sector clients internationally on urban planning, green building, environment, CSR, Sustainability Strategy and GRI reporting. She led the development of tools, methodologies and protocols, and was also responsible for the oversight of GHD’s 2009 CSR Reporting framework, including an advisory role to GHD Board. While at GHD Stella was responsible for many of the firm’s strategic partnerships, including the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – both the global network and the GRI Focal Point Australia based at the Saint James Ethics Centre.
Key Government’s negotiator with major local government, corporate, industry and other stakeholders on complex environment, planning and sustainability reforms. Provided policy advice to the Minister of Climate
Change, Water and the Environment, as well as the Premier, Planning, Local Government, Health and Transport Ministers. This advice spanned a large variety of policies, strategies or legislative changes. Pioneered climate change adaptation plans (COAG National Climate Change Adaptation Framework) and led the publication of NSW State of the Environment Report as well as running water and air community education campaigns (Water for Life, greenhouse and Clear the Air Campaigns. Responsible for the delivery of major multi-million dollar environmental and sustainability programs including the Sustainability Advantage, Clean Air Fund, the Stormwater Trust and more recently work on the Urban Sustainability Program and Clean Air Healthy Communities Fund
While working at Hornsby Shire Council, was responsible for a April 2009 Australia Director -Environment department of 140 staff and managing a budget of AUD 23 million. Within this position was responsible for the planning and delivery of Council’s environment services, strategy and policy development. Role also included the delivery of award-winning sustainability initiatives and projects.
Established the ISF Local Government Unit from scratch -a small scientist and professional team.
In the first year of operation of the Unit generated > $400k consultancy income. The Unit undertook research and consultancy for broad range of clients on sustainable development, community development community, water, transport, waste, energy and environmental policy. Project included environmental management reviews and sustainability reporting for wide range of business, government and local council clients. Responsibilities included leading a pioneering action research project on local sustainability involving a large number of key councils in NSW and was author of the Commonwealth Local Agenda 21 Manual (1999).
1. Formulation, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and mitigation programmes
- Coordination of inception phases for Global Environment Facility & Adaptation Fund- Formulate and design logical framework; - Design specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time-bound (SMART) Indicators; - M & E frameworks - Management and institutional arrangements - Multi-year and annual work plans - Management of co-financing issues - Response to Global Environment Facility comments on submitted project documents
- Administrative Support - Definition of TOR’s, procurement, recruitment and contract management - Management reports consultation on ATLAS (UNDP project management system) - Budget allocation and budget revision - Monitoring and evaluation support - Strategic programming - Ensure consistence of projects outcomes and objectives with UN Development Assistance Framework regional priorities and outcomes - Technical review of relevant documents to match Global Environment Facility - Knowledge management and communication - Client focused relationship
2. Support the management of Global Environment Facility and Adaptation Fund projects Familiarization with project cycle, allocation mechanisms, processes and reporting procedures
3. Assist World Bank Team in elaboration of Post-Disaster Need Assistance document in response to Cyclone Evan (Samoa, 2012)
Member of Linnean Society of London (FLS)
Visiting Fellow of Nottingham Trent University, UK
Officer for Environmental Science for the government of Tuvalu Honorary Ambassador
Project Team Leader for PACE-SD USP, Suva Fiji
Leading the 8 million Euro European Union Global Climate Change Alliance Project. Working in 15 P-ACP countries.
Principal Supervisor for 7 MSc & 3 PhD students plus 2MSc completions in 2012. Developing and delivering courses for PGDip in Climate Change. Developing a new programme for PGDip Disaster Risk Management. Developing and administering "on-line" resources for full delivery of these courses to studnets in isolated small-island nation states (USP has 12 campuses in nations across the Pacific). Face-to-face teaching on various postgraduate and undergraduate courses as and when required.
Responsible for the proper and timely coordination, management and implementation of the project “Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change in the Pacific Islands through Training, Applied Research and Community Engagement”. The project ambit consists of 15 Pacific nations, 11 of which have a USP campus. CCA adaptation plans and activities in 43 communities.
Member of various committees: Research Committee; Academic Standards; Academic Audit (Research); Faculty Programming (designing new undergraduate "Environmental Science" programme); organizing committee for 4 international conferences (Local Governance and Climate Change; Pacific Climate Services Forum; 12th Pacific Science Inter-congress; 2nd International Renewable Energy and Climate Change Conference).
Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, UK
Lecturing and development of Undergraduate modules: “Sustainability” and “Rural Communities and Planning”. Lecturing on Post Grad MA International Relations: Theories, Practices and Policy. Supervision of undergraduate students; setting & marking coursework. School of Animal, Rural & Environmental Science Research Committee. Secured SPUR funding for research in Tuvalu
Scientific Advisor for Alofa Tuvalu (French-Tuvaluan NGO)
Author of the renewable energy technology component of the 10-year “Small Is Beautiful” project, Tuvalu.
Currently implementing renewable energy related sustainable development/environmental management & adaptation activities in Tuvalu (biogas, biodiesel, gasification, solar pv & thermal, wind). Selected as one of UNESCO’s decade of achievement projects.
Preparing funding proposals & securing funding.
Programme Manager for Cusichaca Trust, UK
Planning projects and devising/implementing/evaluating strategies for natural resource management, sustainable development & adaptation of rural Highland Peru. Major environmental management project - completed in September 2007 - research, agricultural extension and rehabilitation of land, vegetation, Inca terraces & irrigation systems in the Pampachiri District, Peru. Defining and implementing management structures and systems of an NGO with 40 full-time employees. Directing research and funding programmes, securing funding (1,500,000 Euro - EU, DFID & Community Fund).
Member of Siosiomaga Organisation of Samoa
Treasurer of Goshen Trust Board
Member of Woman Floriculture Club of Lautoka Fiji
Manager at Micro Finance Unit, Lautoka, Fiji
Lecturer in Agriculture/Horticulture and Business Manager APS, Samoa
Countries of Work Experience: Fiji, Hawaii